10 Things That Give Away Your Motherhood

Motherhood is an intrinsic part of your being. For this reason, your gestures, your attitude and your actions reveal that now your world has a name and surname: those of your baby.
10 things that give away your motherhood

Motherhood changes our lives radically, and you really will never feel bad about this. Holding your little one in your arms is an eternal source of happiness and you can see that with the naked eye. Facts like this let the world know that you are a mom wherever you go; But have you noticed all the things that could give away your motherhood?

When our little one has arrived we are forced to give up many of our activities or old routines, in order to dedicate all our time, love and space to them. Motherhood or fatherhood are not an easy task; However, watching your children grow will give you more than one reason to continue fighting for them, giving them the best of you and allowing them to evolve as integral beings.

Of course, although now you share a story in the company of the love of your life, it never hurts to give yourself a moment to do what you like the most. To take a breath that helps you regain your strength and makes you feel yourself again. And you’ll see, even though you indulge yourself a little, you’ll always be thinking: how will he be? Will he have eaten well? Will he already be asleep?

Behaviors that reveal your motherhood

woman dreaming of having a baby

Wherever you go, with or without your baby, people will know that your life as a mom has begun. These are the most common things that will give away your motherhood in front of the world:

1. Gigantic bags : doing without a bag is impossible when you go for a walk with your baby because there you will carry everything you need to take care of him such as diapers, change clothes, pacifier, bottle, water, medicines for emergencies, healthy snacks and some toys to entertain you on the go.

 2. Goodbye white clothes : if you’ve already discarded white clothes from your closet, you’ve welcomed your new stage as a mom. Any leak from the diaper or when feeding your baby can stain your clothes, so try to choose colors other than light tones.

3. Tired looks : dark circles are a symptom of your motherhood and from now on, if a friend talks to you about how tired he feels, you will immediately remember how difficult your night was.

Revealing a mom


More behaviors that can reveal this beautiful and wonderful stage of women:

4. Provider of wipes: there is nothing that cannot be repaired with the passage of a wipe. An unexpected stain, a spilled drink … If you think that everything can be cleaned with a wipe, you will not be able to hide your maternal role.

5. Swaying or humming nursery rhymes : rocking or singing a lullaby even when you are not with your baby becomes second nature.

6. Forget the topic of conversation : the long hours you spent talking on the phone are in the past. While you are talking with a friend and you are watching your little one, surely you will end up saying the phrase “I’ll call you later”.

7. Spreading happiness: wherever you go, you will always give a smile when you see a baby or think of your little angel.

8. A social life after hours : your publications on social networks, for example, can be made when others are asleep. And a picture of your child may not be missing.

9. New conversation topics : the protagonist of your life will be your little one and you will always talk about his new adventures.

10. From the first to the third person : you will talk about yourself in a new style, for example, “mom is busy”, “mom is changing you”, etc.

A change for life

The arrival of the love of your life is the most exciting thing that can happen to you and, although many do not understand you, you will realize that all your efforts will be worth it. Your old habits will remain in the trunk of memories and you will strongly assume a new role that you will never want to give up.

Your motherhood will always be noticed and it is very easy to feel proud of that reality. It will not matter the fatigue, or the huge bags that you have to carry or dress in other colors, your baby will give you enough reason every day to want to shout to the world what you have become thanks to him.

Being a mother is a wonderful gift

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