12 Recommendations To Avoid Colds In Children

12 Recommendations to avoid colds in children

The cold is a respiratory tract condition caused by a virus. This disease is the most common in children and babies, mainly in times when it is very cold. They mostly catch a cold 3-8 times a year. The duration of each cold can be about a week.

Colds spread quickly between children and babies, since they are spread by contact. That is, they become contaminated through the hands and orally when they are infected and cough or sneeze. These viruses enter through the nasal passages after cooling of the mucous membranes in cold weather and enter the body.

Although most colds are viral, at times they can be complicated if a bacterium takes advantage of the child’s low defenses. This can cause some complications in babies like bronchitis and pneumonia. Bronchitis and pneumonia are more common in children. It is important that parents know some recommendations to avoid colds in their children.

How to avoid colds in children?

As we have said, the cold is one of the most common conditions in children. Therefore, it is difficult to avoid it easily. However, the number of infections that the child suffers per year can be reduced. These recommendations can be helpful.

Keep your hands clean

Hands are one of the main transmitters of viruses by contact. For this reason, it is important to teach children how to wash their hands well. It is also recommended to organize a routine that reminds them to wash their hands frequently. This allows you to maintain proper hygiene and avoid bacteria.

Cover your mouth

In the same way that children are taught to wash their hands, parents must teach them to cover their mouth with a cloth or with their arm. It should be done by sneezing and coughing. It is not advisable to cover yourself with your hands for the reason explained above. Every time they cough or sneeze they should do it, if they do it with their hands they should wash them immediately.

Virus proof toys

Toys should be washed regularly as they are also a virus carrier. These objects are always in contact with babies, who also tend to put them in their mouths.

Avoid tobacco smoke and closed places

 Parents who smoke should not do so near their children. Also, it is recommended to prevent other people close to them from doing so. Ventilate those spaces that are closed. A humidifier is perfect.

The cold proliferates in the humidity

Avoid dry air. Environments that are too dry are not really suitable for having a child. When this happens, a humidifier can be used to have a slightly humid atmosphere. In this way, we will be creating a suitable environment for the airways of the little ones.

Adequate hydration

It is important to give them plenty of fluids to drink. Good hydration helps prevent colds. For this reason, children should be accustomed to drinking water frequently.

Regulate the temperature

Sudden changes in temperature must be avoided. The body when it goes from one temperature to another is more likely to have colds. Mostly this happens to children.

Vitamin C against colds

Incorporate vitamin C into the child’s diet. Take care of the diet and introduce foods that  contain it, such as oranges, lemons or kiwis. Some pediatricians recommend some medications such as vitamin C. This allows to raise the defenses in children and thus avoid a cold.

Protect your feet from the cold

Make sure children keep their feet warm and do not get cold. A recommendation may be to put socks on when sleeping or to always have shoes on. Preventing your feet from coming into contact with the ground that is cold and full of bacteria.

Avoid bonfires and heating

Experts say that fireplaces and radiators can dry out the environment. For this reason, you can use the humidifier to have a pleasant environment.

Cold Ventilation

It is recommended to ventilate the house daily, this avoids the concentration of viruses in the confined space of the home. In the event that the use of fireplaces or heating is essential, ventilation is important to avoid dry environments.

Special outdoor care

Even if it is cold, the children have to continue playing outdoors. Being in physical activity greatly favors the body, keeping the defenses active. Playing outdoors favors the low concentration of viruses in the body. They should keep playing in the parks and enjoying nature.

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