3 Benefits Of Consuming Pistachios During Pregnancy

The consumption of pistachios guarantees an adequate supply of fiber, calcium and proteins necessary to ensure the correct development of the fetus and the maintenance of the mother’s health.
3 benefits of consuming pistachios in pregnancy

Consuming pistachios in pregnancy is recommended. These foods have a high nutritional density, so they provide essential substances to ensure the proper functioning of the human body. Taking into account that pregnant women need a higher supply of nutrients, it is important to introduce nuts into their diet.

Before starting, we must emphasize that it is essential to ensure variety in the diet of women in pregnancy. In this way, the risk of deficits is reduced, so the development of the fetus will be improved. Even so, it is usually recommended to also include certain supplements, such as folic acid.

Benefits of consuming pistachios in pregnancy

We are going to discuss the main benefits of consuming pistachios in pregnancy, as well as the position of the experts on the matter.

Woman eating pistachios in pregnancy.

Better glycemic control

One of the frequent pathologies that pregnant women suffer is gestational diabetes. It is a problem of glycemic control that has a transitory nature. It is often caused by a poor diet, although there are genetic factors that predispose.

In this sense, it is advisable to include foods with a low carbohydrate intake in the diet that help control blood sugar levels. Pistachios would be an excellent example. They have proteins and fats necessary in pregnancy, but their sugar content is low.

Lower risk of constipation

Another common problem for pregnant women is constipation. Although this can occur at any stage of life, it is emphasized during the gestation period. The good news is that it has good dietary management, without the need to resort to pharmacology.

One of the nutritional pillars in the treatment of constipation is the consumption of fiber, as stated by research published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Pistachios, like the rest of the foods of the plant kingdom, stand out for their concentration in this substance.

Not only is it capable of increasing the volume of the stool by improving transit, but its intake is related to a lower risk of developing chronic intestinal pathologies, such as colon cancer.

Increased bone density and skeletal development of the fetus

Calcium is one of the most determining nutrients when it comes to bone health. It will be important for both the mother and the fetus. In the case of the mother, a good supply of the mineral significantly reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis or suffering fractures during adulthood. This is evidenced by a study published in Nutrients .

For its part, the nutrient will contribute to the correct evolution of bone mass in the fetus. It is important that the skeleton has a good density during the first stages of life, to ensure, thus, a good formation of the structure. If there is not an adequate supply of the nutrient, the risk of suffering from structural problems increases.

It should be noted that calcium depends on vitamin D for its absorption. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the mother has adequate levels of it. For this purpose, exposure to sunlight or the consumption of supplements should be favored if the doctor considers it appropriate.

Contraindications of pistachios in pregnancy

The consumption of pistachios does not present any side effects, unless there is an allergy to them. Developing processes of hypersensitivity to nuts is relatively frequent  and these tend to cause anaphylaxis when there is exposure to the antigen.

For this reason, if you have never eaten pistachios, we do not recommend that you start doing it during pregnancy. Experiencing an allergic reaction at this time could be life-threatening to the fetus. If, on the other hand, you do not have any allergies to nuts, you can include them in your diet without any risk.

Bowl of pistachios.

Pistachios are beneficial in pregnancy

As you have seen, the consumption of pistachios is considered beneficial in pregnancy. These foods belong to the group of nuts, considered healthy and recommended for almost everyone.

In addition, pistachios have a great advantage, and that is their versatility. They can be included in salads, in some sauces, in smoothies, although they can also be eaten naturally. In this sense, we recommend that you value eating them for mid-morning snacks or for a snack.

Anyway, do not forget that its presence in the diet has to be moderate. They are energy foods due to their lipid content. Overindulging it could promote fat weight gain.

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