4 Collaborative Games To Play As A Family

Collaborative games, in addition to being fun, teach other types of values ​​to the little ones. Do you know any of these?
4 collaborative games to play as a family

Perhaps you have heard of collaborative games, an excellent tool to educate our children on the importance of teamwork and leave behind so much competitiveness that surrounds today’s society.

Beyond spending a pleasant time with the family, it is a playful and fun way to instill certain values ​​in the smallest of the house. Therefore, we bring you some examples of games that you are going to love.

The importance of collaborative games

In societies like the ones we live in, where competition is constantly rewarded and encouraged, it is well worth stopping to ponder the kinds of values ​​we want to pass on to our children.

Children playing cooperative games.

Although it is true that it is a natural part of the human being, it is very important to do it in a healthy way, that does not generate frustration and that does not lead children to have low self-esteem. We should never make them compare themselves with others, since each one has different qualities.

It is one thing to teach them to work to improve those aspects that are difficult for them and quite another is to ask them to be like one of their colleagues, their cousins ​​or a brother.

On the other hand, team cooperation is a very valuable skill to face the future and, in addition to school work, there are many ways to instill it.

One of them is collaborative games. In these there are no winners or losers, rather it is about joining forces to achieve certain objectives. All the participants form a single team and work together in search of a common good.

Depending on the theme and the age at which they are aimed, they also transmit other values. While some reinforce communication skills and social interaction, others work on trust, family bonding or the development of specific skills, for example.

The best collaborative games to enjoy with the family

We will tell you about some collaborative games for different ages. Although another advantage of this type of game is that the little ones can also participate. With no competition, it’s easy for them to ask for help when they don’t understand any of the rules.

1. My first fruit tree

One of the games suitable for children from 24 months, is the mini version of My fruit tree . It is very easy to play and, in addition, it has some beautiful pieces of wood.

Here the objective of the team is to collect the fruit before the crow takes it away. To do this, the die is rolled in turns and the fruit of the color marked on the die must be kept in the basket or the crow must advance along the path, as indicated. Another advantage is that the games are short, so that the little ones do not get tired or bored.

2. Little Cooperation

Also Little Cooperation is for smaller and is one of the most successful has. It takes place in the arctic and is about helping 4 little animals to return to their igloo before the ice pillars that form the bridge melt and fall.

In this case, you have to roll the dice in turns and it will indicate whether to move an animal or remove a pillar from the bridge. Fine motor skills are worked on when moving pillars and their dexterity trying to maintain the balance of the animals. The games last about 10 minutes.

3. Dream a tree , one of the best collaborative games

This is a beautiful option for children from 6 years old, although it can also be played by the little ones with a little help. Educate in environmental values and players must help the squirrels to build the tree of their dreams using all the branches.

One of its peculiarities is that you can also play alone and create a tree-shaped puzzle that changes with each game.

Children playing cooperative games in class.

4. Mysterium , one of the best collaborative games for the elderly

Mysteriun won the Game of the Year in France in 2016 and is perfect for those who enjoy cracking clues. It’s about solving the mystery and all players win or lose together. The objective is to discover the truth after the death of the spirit that enchants the mansion, getting his soul to rest in peace.

The spirit is unable to speak and tries to communicate by sending visions to the seers, so that they can reconstruct the events of the fateful night, interpreting the spectral messages.

Ultimately, these are just a few of our favorite collaborative games, but you’ll find many more. There are suitable for the whole family or more focused by ages, but you will love all of them. Do you dare to try them?

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