5 Phrases About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is much more than food: it is health, love, and comfort. We share some phrases that highlight the importance of this practice.
5 phrases about breastfeeding

From the moment a baby enters the world, breastfeeding becomes the best source of food and comfort. In addition to the nutritional contributions and the benefits for the physical health of the newborn, the advantages for emotional development and the construction of the attachment bond are enormous. So, today we bring you some beautiful and inspiring phrases about breastfeeding that honor this natural and healthy activity.

Pediatricians, organizations, and other experts recommend exclusive breastfeeding for up to six months of the baby’s life. Likewise, they encourage prolonging it for up to two years after incorporating solid foods due to its multiple benefits.

In addition to the baby, the mother also gains significant physical and emotional health gains from breastfeeding her little one. Therefore, we share some phrases that reflect the benefits of this form of infant feeding.

Inspirational quotes about breastfeeding

Mother giving her baby the breast.

“If there was a vaccine with the benefits of breastfeeding, parents would pay anything to buy it” , Carlos González

The health and well-being of the baby is the top priority of all new parents. They try to offer your little one the best conditions so that he can develop properly at all levels.

And breastfeeding undoubtedly brings countless benefits. It contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth of the baby, reduces the risk of malnutrition, prevents diseases and strengthens the emotional bond with the mother. What more could you want? It is the best natural vaccine for the newborn.

“Lactation is the umbilical cord that was never cut”

After spending several months in the warmth and safety of the mother’s womb, the baby arrives in a hostile and unknown world. Meet fear, hunger and the feeling of loneliness for the first time. Thus, by being breastfed, he regains that precious connection with his mother and both of them allow themselves to become one again. Thanks to breastfeeding, this transition and separation is less traumatic for both of you.

“Breastfeeding provides the emotional security for the beginning of life that every human being needs”

Breastfeeding a baby of a few months is something generally accepted on a social level. However, how many mothers have had to face rejecting looks and disapproving comments from their environment when breastfeeding their two-year-old?

It is not yet properly understood that breastfeeding is much more than food: it is comfort, love, and shelter. It is the way in which the child can regulate his emotions while feeling supported and protected by his mother. An essential contribution to the development of a healthy self-esteem.

“Breastfeeding is love turned into food”

Breastfeeding a baby is an act of pure love and dedication. Breastfeeding can be demanding, challenging, and exhausting for mothers. Still, love for a child gives you the strength and courage to overcome difficulties and persevere. At the end of the day, once suction is achieved or mastitis is overcome, the reward is a moment of unbeatable connection.

Mother thinking about breastfeeding phrases while breastfeeding her child.

“Breastfeeding may not be the best option for all mothers, but it is the best option for all babies,” Lavinia Belli

Breastfeeding is a right of the mother and the baby. Therefore, society should facilitate and accompany women in the process. However, this does not usually happen and difficulties, lack of conciliation or lack of support can lead many women to abandon breastfeeding early.

However, it is important to remember that while breast milk is the best food for the baby, what the infant really needs is a healthy and happy mother capable of caring for him. Therefore, there is no guilt or shame in choosing other feeding options if breastfeeding creates discomfort or becomes unsustainable. It is up to each mother.

We hope that the previous sentences about breastfeeding have helped you to be aware of how positive this practice is; but also of the challenges that it entails. If you choose to put it into practice, don’t hesitate to turn to professionals, lactation consultants, or support groups to guide you and offer support along the way. You and your baby deserve to enjoy this wonderful experience in the best possible way.

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