6 Ways To Build Trust In Your Child

6 ways to build trust in your child

Confidence is an important ingredient for a successful and happy life. In the first years of life is the key to building trust in your child , just the one that will help you navigate life.

What dad It is your duty to seek and learn new ways to develop this quality in your children. If you don’t know how to start this process, here are 6 ways to do it.

1.- Set goals for your child

Set goals that are appropriate for your child’s age and ability Since setting an impossible goal will have a negative effect. The goal should be something you can accomplish: dress yourself or get a certain grade on the next school test.

As your child approaches the goal, encourage and praise each step they took to get on the path, but not over the top. The latter is important because otherwise you would be falling to create a personality narcissistic . When you reach the goal, reinforce your self-image and investigate together the positive and negative results achieved.

2.- If you want to build trust in your child, do not always rescue him

don't always rescue him

This is one of the most difficult steps since our inclination as parents is that our children are happy all the time and that nothing can hurt them. But you must not forget that it is impossible to keep your little one inside a bubble. He must be prepared for positive and negative experiences.

Although when you see them suffer, you may feel that it is easier to alleviate their pain, do not always do it. You have to help him see that he is capable of solving his problems . Of course, apply this to situations in which your child really has the ability to get out of trouble.

3.- Help him develop his emotional intelligence

Talk to him about his feelings and help him identify them. Developing self-awareness, empathy , connectedness, and the capacity for love increases your emotional intelligence.

If you have a greater sense of what he feels and who he is, you will have greater self-esteem and self-control. This is a vital step in building trust. This will increase the chances of success in any romantic, work or social relationship.

4.- Accept your child as he is

This is essential to build trust: accept your child without trying to change him and respect his individuality. What you must do is adjust, regulate and monitor their behaviors and attitudes.

Make your child feel valued in the sense that if he says or does something wrong, his personality will not be hurt . Let him know that he can react differently. This way their confidence remains intact and you promote the learning of positive attitudes and behaviors.

5.- Develop self-discipline

gives responsibilities

It starts with delegating responsibilities like brushing your teeth, tidying your room , folding your clothes, or picking up toys. As it grows, you will be placing a limited time and on a certain day to perform these tasks and some other household tasks.

Little by little these impositions will become a habit. You will apply self-discipline when you delay gratification for failing to meet these small goals. So your child will learn the feelings of competence and confidence.

6.- Teach him to communicate

Develop this skill through the use of daily communication. When your child is very young, you need to listen to him. As he grows, you have to teach him to listen carefully to others . It is important that you learn to listen with empathy so that you can better relate to your peers at school, teachers.

With this he will also learn to talk about his feelings with you, something very important to build confidence in your child progressively.

Building trust in your child will make him happy

The techniques to build your child’s confidence that we show you here will help them grow happier, have higher school levels and better social behavior.

Accept your child as he is, not in behavior, but in personality. Make him feel safe always . Use positive words and always convey your appreciation and admiration for what they do.

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