9 Disney Songs For Children That Never Go Out Of Style

Disney songs contain very positive messages to teach children and draw good morals.
9 Disney songs for kids that never go out of style

Whether you are a Disney lover or not, around you you have surely heard songs from his movies thousands of times. If you have not seen any yet or have put them on your son – although we doubt it – don’t worry, you’re on time. In this article we leave you a selection of Disney songs for children that do not go out of style.

Leaving aside the taste for this type of film, it is important to note that each one of them shows one or more values ​​that it is important to teach children.

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Mary Poppins.

Who has not sung this melody sometime? It is difficult to explain, it is something without a concrete meaning, something to say when you don’t know what. This word was invented by the funniest babysitter in history many years ago, and the song talks about the problems that children can have when it comes to speaking and pronouncing. By inventing this word, she downplays these problems.

Mary Poppins has one of Disney's prettiest songs for kids
Photo from Biography.com (Walt Disney Pictures / Photofest)

Under the sea. The little Mermaid.

Sebastian the crab, one of the funniest characters in the film, is the protagonist of the song. Through  her she teaches The Little Mermaid how difficult the world can be outside, leaving the comfort room, because she wants to live human life and enjoy the sun.

This song can be very valuable to teach children, as many of them always want more than what they have, without realizing the comforts that surround them.

Hakuna matata. The Lion King.

One of the main and most popular Disney songs for children is this one from The Lion King. Hakuna matata , literally translated means’ no problem, and adapted to our language and as they say in the song, ‘live and be happy’.

This song is synonymous with happiness and joy and they are the main values ​​that you want to transmit with it.  Another of the star phrases is ‘The past must be left behind’.

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That star over there. Peter Pan.

If with Hakuna Matata we were talking about one of the funniest Disney songs for children, with this Peter Pan song the opposite happens.

That star over there tells us about the loss of loved ones but giving importance to the nuance that they will always accompany us wherever we go and guide us in all the decisions we make.

Bidibibadibi bu. Cinderella.

Who does not remember the moment when Cinderella is crying because she cannot go to the prince’s ball and the fairy godmother appears to solve all her problems? Although without a deep letter or with importance such as that of Peter Pan, bidibibadibi bu  reminds us that with music and joy all our problems can be solved.

Beauty and the beast they are. Beauty and the Beast.

If with other songs we talked about joy or sadness, with the song Beauty and the Beast  we are talking about love and what is more important: not falling in love with an appearance but with a personality. Winner of a Grammy and an Oscar, and performed by many artists, it is one of the most beautiful soundtracks in Disney history.

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I want to be like you. The Jungle Book.

As with Hakuna matata , I want to be like you is another hymns of joy in Disney songs for children. This song again refers to the joy that music produces, but above all it is important to highlight a value such as friendship above all things.

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An ideal world. Aladdin

Another of the quintessential romantic songs of the Disney world is this. Aladdin wants to get the love of Princess Yasmín at all costs. This is the main value that the film wants to show and especially the song: effort and perseverance always pay off if you don’t tire of fighting for your dreams.

Teachings of Disney Songs: Aladin

Let it go. Frozen

If with the previous songs we were talking about an older Disney, the movie Frozen and its ¡Súeltalo! —The Spanish version— arrived in 2013 to stay and reign in the Disney world. Her most famous song, Let it go , which won an Oscar, shows a much more warrior and rebellious Disney princess who fights for what she wants without caring about anything else.

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