Up, It’s Never Too Late To Seek Your Happiness

All people have a goal in life. Some seek love, others money, success or fame. However, everyone yearns for happiness. Up will give you some keys to achieve and enjoy it, no matter how old you are.
Up, it's never too late to seek your happiness

A lot of people spend years of their lives seeking happiness. However, life is full of exciting moments that cause that feeling of well-being. Making the most of every moment is arguably one of the keys to finding that satisfaction permanently.

Discover how Up , a film full of values, teaches you that it is never too late to seek your happiness and enjoy it forever.

Up , the movie with a great life lesson

In 2009, Disney released the movie Up : A High-altitude Adventure , which chronicles the adventures of a grumpy widower and a boy scout. In it the images of a solitary little boy, follower of a famous explorer, who lose his job due to a lie are developed.

Later, Carl, the protagonist, meets a curious girl (Ellie) and a nature lover, who tells him about her plan to move her house to the waterfalls of paradise. Over time, Carl and Ellie grow up, marry, and unable to have children, they focus their lives on adventures.

When Ellie dies, Carl’s life takes another turn. Threatened by some contractors who want to evict him from his home, he decides to complete the plans he had with his wife. It is there that Russel, a boy scout, enters the scene. Together they embark on the journey of bringing Carl’s home to the falls of paradise.

Lessons from Up to find happiness

To seek happiness it is essential to look at things that transcend beyond the superficial. Take note of how the qualities displayed by the characters in this film serve as a reference for the pursuit of your happiness.

Learn to be humble

In the first instance, a grumpy grandfather is observed who avoids all contact with the outside. However, as his relationship with Russel, the Boy Scout progresses, he discovers that the adventures must be completed and not given up. It is there where he learns to give love and the value of generosity, something that the little one does not perceive in his family.

Learning to give without receiving anything in return can help you release the frustration that some circumstances of daily living generate. This action quickly turns into a feeling of happiness.

The movie UP also teaches how to cope with difficult times.

Consistency brings results

This is a teaching provided by the character of Russel. Although at first his goal was to get a medal, over time he learns to help selflessly.

Sure, within the limitations of a child; His attitude shows that seeking happiness requires perseverance, steadfast overcoming challenges, and setting limits when necessary.

The importance of friendship

The beautiful relationship that occurs between the two protagonists makes us think of those friends who make us happy and become part of the family.

It also conveys the idea that good friends complement qualities, support each other in difficult times and help to bring out the best in oneself. Undoubtedly, a great teaching of Up to choose friends who bring well-being to your life.

Learn to put flaws aside

Loving a person with their defects is the learning that leaves the relationship between Carl and Ellie. Sincerity leads to showing yourself as you are.  Give people the opportunity to value you with your virtues, but also with your weaknesses. This forges lasting bonds, such as is necessary in a couple.

Up is a film that conveys many values.

Believe in dreams

One of the main aspects of Up is that it helps to see the importance of valuing life and believing in your dreams. In addition, it allows us to understand that despite the problems, circumstances or age, there will always be a reason to be happy.

On the other hand, it encourages children to believe and trust themselves to achieve success, fostering the desire to live new adventures.

In conclusion, Up is a movie with an excellent message for all its viewers. It teaches to value every moment of life and enjoy them to the fullest. It also conveys the notion that it can be very easy to neglect some aspects that give meaning to life.

Enjoy this movie as a family and do not hesitate to draw other lessons that will encourage you to go in search of your happiness.

Give your child the key to happiness

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