5 Teachings Of The Lord Of The Rings For Children And Teenagers

With the 5 teachings of The Lord of the Rings for children and adolescents, your children will be able to learn practical values ​​and develop their emotional education.
5 teachings of The Lord of the Rings for children and adolescents

Stimulating recreational reading from childhood, without a doubt, will enhance ingenuity and creativity, leaving a great learning in children. One of the most recommended books is The Lord of the Rings.

This has been successfully brought to the screen for the enjoyment of the little ones. Learn about the teachings of The Lord of the Rings for children and adolescents below,   and prepare to discover this wonderful story.

The Lord of the Rings: a book brought to the big screen

The work was written by the British philologist and writer JRR Tolkien in the middle of the last century, with the aim of transmitting to his children the teachings of Catholicism, a religion he professed.

However, when the story was made into a movie it was divided into three parts due to the length of the content. It is a continuation of The Hobbit , and it tells the adventures of the little hobbit Frodo Baggins. All of them are developed in order to get rid of a powerful magic ring and thus prevent it from reaching the enemy’s hands.

It is an epic novel set in Middle Earth, a fictional place inhabited by hobbits , elves, dwarves, and fantastic creatures. It is divided into three volumes:

  • The Fellowship of the Ring : This volume tells the story of a hobbit who is commissioned to guard a ring and begin a journey so that it is destroyed. Frodo begins his journey with the help of the ring company, who will be in charge of guiding and accompanying him on his journey.
The Lord of the Rings has been a sales success.
  • The Two Towers : Continue the journey to Mordor to destroy the ring. In this segment of the story  , new characters and adventures appear that contribute to the mission of the protagonist.
  • Return of the King : The journey to Mordor to destroy the ring of power is about to end. However, the forces of evil are gaining ground in Middle-earth.

    Without a doubt, an exceptional work where there are mixtures of new languages, values, magical creatures and landscapes typical of a fictional world. It has been a novel with a resounding success that managed to captivate a wide audience.

    5 wonderful teachings of The Lord of the Rings for children and teenagers

    The resounding success of this publication lies in the integration of an ancient Greek-style story with magic. It is a fight between good and evil that transports the viewer to an adventure full of heroism. The most notable teachings can be summarized as follows:

    Learn to resist temptation

    In this book, the temptation of the characters is manifested by the ring that gives extraordinary qualities to its owner. Analyzing the ability to dismiss these desires leaves a great learning, especially in adolescents.

    Learning to say no to superiority impulses stimulates personal growth and helps establish a balance between positive and negative tendencies.

    Teamwork and the value of friendship

    One of the teachings of The Lord of the Rings for children and adolescents lies in the attitude of its characters. It exalts the friendship, camaraderie, and common efforts that are needed to carry out a purpose. Learning that reinforces the fact that working together helps overcome obstacles and difficulties in life.

    Face your fears

    Throughout the book and film, the intimidating challenges faced by the story’s protagonists are evident. However, each of them has to face it with courage. This leaves a learning in children and adolescents: fears will always exist and avoiding them is not the answer.

    Gandalf is one of the most important characters in The Lord of the Rings.

    We can all be brave

    Another of the great teachings of The Lord of the Rings for children and adolescents is learning to be brave. This manifests itself in Bilbo and Frodo, two hobbits who, although they are small, achieve very great actions.

    Similarly, being small should not prevent you from moving towards your goals. With the necessary confidence and the best help you can achieve what you set out to do.

    The authentic riches

    True wealth lies in the moments we share with friends and family. Happiness depends on them.

    In conclusion, a work that teaches that in life there will always be obstacles to overcome. The important thing is to always trust yourself and know how to look for people who are by your side.

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