4 Foods Against Constipation In Children

Increasing the consumption of fiber is decisive in order to increase the volume of the fecal bolus and reduce constipation in children caused by poor intestinal transit.
4 foods against constipation in children

Constipation in children is relatively common. This condition can cause great discomfort and negatively impact the habits of the little ones. Fortunately, it is possible to propose an effective dietary treatment.

Now, it should be noted that constipation in children can be caused by very different causes. Sometimes it is a feeding problem that is the trigger, but physical inactivity can also have a significant effect. Identifying the cause is key to proposing an effective remedy.

Foods against constipation in children

The following foods that we are going to show you have proven to be useful in the management of constipation in children, managing to increase the periodicity and ease of bowel movements.

Oats for the little ones

Little girl eating oatmeal and fruit for snack.

Within the group of cereals, the highest quality representative is oats. This food has a significant amount of soluble fiber inside, which is capable of fermenting at the intestinal level, thus improving the health of the microbiota; the amount of bacteria in the intestine is increased.

According to a study published in Nature Reviews , it is important to increase the presence of fiber in children’s diets. In this way, a larger volume fecal bolus is generated, thus achieving a more efficient intestinal transit. Stimulation of the mechanoreceptors in the tube makes all the difference.


Kiwis are the fruits that have the best effects on managing constipation, along with apples. They are also good representatives of foods high in fiber, in this case, soluble. Not only are they an energetic substrate for the microbiota, but they also guarantee a more powerful intestinal peristalsis.

Thanks to this last property, waste descends rapidly through the digestive tract. If a good intake of water is ensured, the result is even better.

Yogurts are essential foods in the diet of children

One of the keys to managing constipation in children is the consumption of probiotic bacteria. These are found mainly in fermented dairy, such as yogurt and kefir.

Its regular intake manages to reduce the difficulties in the bowel movement, as stated by a research published in the European Journal of Pediatrics . Now, it is important to choose the yogurt to consume correctly. Many of them concentrate added sugars in excessive amounts, so they are not recommended for health.

Whole grains

When choosing products with high carbohydrate content, it is good to opt for tubers, legumes or whole grains. The latter stand out for the presence of fiber in their composition, unlike their refined counterparts.

In addition, the low glycemic carbohydrates they have are absorbed slowly in the intestine. Thus, efficient management of blood glucose is achieved, avoiding blood glucose peaks that affect the health of the pancreas.

They are useful foods to prevent constipation. The insoluble fiber inside helps to increase the frequency of bowel movements, as well as their consistency.

Whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, bread, rice.

Physical activity is key to avoiding constipation in children

Not only is it important to improve dietary habits, but it is also key to ensure that the little ones get physical exercise on a regular basis. In this way, functional constipation, characterized by inefficient transit of the fecal bolus through the intestine, is avoided.

The more physically active children are, the less likely they are to suffer from these types of problems. Especially when taking care of food. However, if the problem still does not improve, it may be necessary to go to the doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Include foods in the diet to prevent constipation in children

With the foods that we have just mentioned, you will ensure that children’s intestinal transit is adequate. If they are included in a varied and balanced diet, the risk of developing chronic constipation will be reduced. However, the dietary pattern is not the only important factor.

On certain occasions there may be a process of intestinal dysbiosis that generates problems in the descent of the fecal bolus. If so, there may be no choice but to consider supplementation with some strain of probiotics to correct the problem. However, you should first consult with the specialist.

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