15 Foods That Promote Intellectual Performance

Each food provides us not only benefits and nutrients for our physique, but also resources for our academic performance. In the case of school-age children, it is important to take care of their diet.
15 foods that promote intellectual performance

Memory, the ability to reason, alertness and attention are some abilities that can be stimulated by eating. This list of 15 foods that promote intellectual performance is designed for all food tastes.

The ideal is always to combine several ingredients throughout the day. The results come through perseverance and they are worth it; Each food offers components that nourish different aspects of this organ as complex as the brain.

Foods that improve brain function not only facilitate study time or intellectual work. They also prevent degenerative neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

On the other hand, the stimulation and good care of the brain affects all the organs of the body. This will allow us to lead a harmonious life and enjoy emotional health.

15 foods that promote intellectual performance

1. Walnuts: It is said that the proof that the walnut benefits the brain is its shape. The fact is that the amount of omega-3 fatty acids are an optimal fuel for neurotransmitters. This dried fruit prevents Alzheimer’s and develops cognitive abilities as a whole.

2. Almonds: Its multiple properties provide great energy to the brain,  stimulate adrenaline production and improve mood. They are good for depressed people.

3. Cashew nuts: This fruit, also known as ‘cashew’, contains high levels of magnesium. This results in the opening of the blood vessels and in the adequate irrigation to the whole body, thus benefiting the brain functions.

4. Peanut or peanut: Its nutrients provide great benefits to the brain, and thus enable an improvement in memory and communicative understanding. Because of its low cost, peanuts are one of the world’s preferred intellectual performance foods.

5. Seeds and derivatives:  Whole grain bread, popcorn, cereal, barley, oats, among other whole grain foods, offer a multiplicity of beneficial properties for brain function.

Eating study-friendly foods is a smart way to improve cognitive processes and concentration.

Chocolate, oils and much more

6. Bitter chocolate: On the one hand, its antioxidant properties keep the brain younger for longer. In addition, it has stimulants such as flavonoids and caffeine, which are very good in specific cases of exams or work meetings. A piece of dark or bitter chocolate improves concentration in a surprising way.

7. Olive oil: It has antioxidant properties capable of eliminating any toxic substance from the brain. Due to its qualities, it promotes rapid cell regeneration  and prevents Alzheimer’s.

8. Coconut oil: Its anti-inflammatory power frees blood vessels and promotes memory exercise. Likewise, it oxygenates and purifies the blood.

9. Pumpkin seeds: The presence of omega 3 and 6, in addition to vitamins A and E, and zinc, make these seeds indisputable allies for good memory and mental agility.

10. Pumpkin: Its main components make it one of the great foods that promote intellectual performance. It has folic acid and vitamin B12 ; toasted or baked is how best to take advantage of its benefits.

Vegetables and fish

11. Spinach : The potassium in these leaves promotes healthy brain electrical flow. On the other hand, its antioxidant powers allow greater neuronal health. As for its essential nutrients, spinach has vitamins K and E, magnesium, and folate in interesting amounts.

12. Tomato: Lycopene is the most prominent component in tomato. It is a powerful antioxidant, which fights free radicals that damage brain cells. This results not only in the prevention of brain diseases, but also in an improvement of cognitive activities in general.

Recipes with broccoli are one of the healthiest options that you can present to your family.

13. Broccoli: Broccoli is considered one of the foods that promote the most powerful and complete intellectual performance. One of its main nutrients is choline, which promotes the development of cells and brain connections. This quality makes broccoli an ideal food for pregnant women.

14. Strawberry: Due to its content rich in antioxidants and its anti-inflammatory capacity, strawberry is a great ally of brain health. Always in season, its consumption enhances the capacity of neurons.

15. Salmon: Although this information will not be useful for those who do not want to eat animals, it is good to know that salmon is very beneficial for the brain, given its high omega 3 content.

In short, when choosing foods, it is essential to lean towards those that will give multiple benefits to the body. A careful diet can be a key factor in the prevention of irreversible degenerative diseases and other health complications.

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