7 Ideas To Keep Kids Entertained In Summer

Summer is an excellent time to enjoy with the family, and children are experts at it! In this article you will find some recommendations to take advantage of these precious days.
7 ideas to keep kids entertained in the summer

Summer is a wonderful time for children and parents to do lots of fun things, spend quality time together, and even get to know each other so much more. Summer is a rare opportunity to learn new skills, discover new things, and strengthen family ties.

But when push comes to shove, summer can get a bit long and kids can end up getting bored. It is one thing that there are many possibilities to do different things and quite another to be able to do them. And that’s not to mention that parents also have our own needs, both for rest and related to our work and domestic obligations.

Finding fun things to do when you go on vacation is one thing. But that doesn’t last all summer . What do we do the rest of the time, especially when we spend it at home? Here are some ideas of fun things you can do, propose or facilitate your children to enjoy the summer that, in addition, do not require great complications or outlays of money.

Ball games

Children and adults enjoy with balls and balls. Nobody resists kicking a ball at their feet or throwing a ball that comes into your hands unexpectedly. At any age, a ball is an inexhaustible and inexhaustible source of fun, as well as being an excellent tool for developing motor skills.

Always have balls of different sizes, weights and textures available to be able to take them out when necessary. Even some ball games are viable to do at home, such as those that are tied to a small basket to fit them with a blow of the wrist.

Soap bubbles

Children of all ages love blowing soap bubbles. This, in addition to requiring the refinement of interesting skills to create them, has many possibilities: make huge bubbles, try to remove thousands of tiny bubbles, pile up bubbles, recycle bubbles, run after the bubbles to explode them, etc.

Soap bubbles are inexpensive toys that give a lot of play and that awaken the creativity of children, in addition to stimulating movement, observation and the development of many skills.

girls blowing soap bubbles in summer

Jump rope

Jump rope games require the development of interesting motor skills and encourage cardiovascular exercise. With these games, children can also learn many skills related to music (singing, rhythm, etc.).

In a garden, on a patio, in the park, in the field or even on the street, a rope can be a great ally to entertain children. In addition, the jump rope itself can be used for other types of games that are also very interesting.

Crafts abroad

One thing that greatly entertains children and keeps them calm and focused is doing arts and crafts. These types of activities at home can be interesting. However, outdoors the possibilities increase.

Whether in a garden, a patio or a terrace, outside children are more free to do bigger things, use materials that are not recommended at home because they stain a lot and, above all, do different things .

Stroll and explore

Going for a walk with the children is another activity that can be very entertaining, whether you are walking through new places or going the same way. Let the children explore, observe and move freely. They alone will find a way to turn the walk into a new adventure every day.

If not, you can propose many games to them, from observation games, searching for strange things or counting specific elements to walking games according to certain rules or small races.

The tour can also be done by bicycle, scooter or rollerblades. This will not only give variety to the walks, but will further encourage physical exercise and the development of motor skills.

Visit the library

Reading is a very interesting activity for the summer. Books can accompany you anywhere and allow you to be entertained in the shade when the heat hits.

To stimulate reading and encourage children to read what they like, schedule frequent visits to the library. You and your children will have an interesting time researching and discovering books and you will take home guaranteed hours of entertainment for the children.

children reading

Home camping

Another fun way to entertain yourself in the summer is to camp at home. You can set up the tent on the patio or in the garden and simulate an excursion with all that that implies.

In addition to spending more time outdoors , camping in the yard or in the garden will allow your children to stimulate their imagination, since they can camp anywhere, real or imagined, and create their world.

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