Teach Your Child The Importance Of Having Dinner As A Family

Teach your child the importance of dining as a family

The importance of dining with the family is, in addition to the much-needed food, in sharing precious time with the most loved ones that a human being can have.

Family dinners are moments full of complacency, conversation, understanding and advice among all members of a nucleus. People who perhaps, due to the commitments of life itself: work, school, study, responsibility …, have no other quality chance to see each other and be together.

Why teach a young child to have dinner as a family?

Although a young child may not understand the importance of sitting at the table at the same time as all the members of his family , it is imperative that you adopt this as a routine of life.

Since he was little, you should teach him and get him used to sitting down to dinner at the table and waiting for all the diners because this way, you will be instilling good manners and you will be accustoming him to a practice that will accompany him until adulthood.

What are the benefits of dining as a family?

Mom, dining as a family is important because:

It constitutes a social and intimate moment, like few others

It is the time when all the members put aside their duties and responsibilities to spend a few minutes to comment on their day and find out how the rest of the group did.

Goals are set and new projects are discussed

Although many cultures consider that it is wrong to bring “work” to the table, it is no less true that in thousands of homes dinner is used to debate about new projects that affect the family such as the renovation of the house, a move, buying equipment … This is the ideal time to get the opinion of all those involved, including children.


The little ones tend to eat better both in abundance and in quality


A child who eats alone, for example watching television, is entertained by the cartoons he watches and pays less attention to the food on his plate. After spending minutes absorbed in the drawings, he loses his appetite.

However, a child who eats at the table with his family is supervised by the diners who accompany him. There is never a lack of someone who offers you an extra portion or who encourages you to eat this or that food.

At the family dinner the child has the opportunity to be an active entity and share opinions about the flavors and textures of the food while eating well.

Teach the child about rules of etiquette

Take the cutlery well, which cutlery is used to eat what food, how to eat, use the napkin …

Strengthen family ties

A family that barely lives together and is seen practically alone to sleep is not the same as another that shares moments like dinner.

Those who sit at the table together develop bonds of affection, affinity, trust, commitment, and love.

Strengthens the historical memory of the family itself

When the table is set for a family dinner, dishes made at home are put out using recipes that perhaps Mom learned from Grandma and Grandma learned from Great Grandmother, and so on.

At a family dinner you have the opportunity to perpetuate customs and pass them on to the new generation.

Educates the child about the need to know how to listen

Not everyone, not even adults, has this communication ability.

Without a doubt, dinner becomes an ideal time to teach the child to be silent and listen to his interlocutors in a natural way, without forcing or harassing him, with this essential rule of good communication.

Teaches you about housework

It offers an opportunity for the child to feel useful and to participate in the collaboration of household chores. The same thing when preparing food, serving the table, as picking up and washing the cutlery.

When work is shared, it plays less and tastes better. The child has the possibility to feel that his effort counts.

Mom, teach your son the importance of dining as a family so that he inherits the traditions that you inherited and enjoy so much. Do this, so that one day you have the opportunity to also transmit them to yours.

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