Irrational Fears In Childhood

Irrational fears are very common in childhood. Fortunately, there are some formulas to help little ones overcome this problem.
Irrational fears in childhood

Irrational fears in childhood happen in many children. Unfortunately, this is one of the most frustrating times for parents, as nothing they say or do seems to help them get through the situation.

Among others, children may have irrational fears of monsters under the bed, of the dark, or of everyday sounds. Bear in mind that fears are common in childhood; the role of parents is to transmit peace of mind and support to the little ones.

Also, it is important that you know that the goal is not to completely get rid of anxiety, but that you must learn to manage irrational fears so that they have less impact. Helping them control their fear is the most important thing; This can be achieved by taking a few steps.

A study highlights that parents must identify their children’s fears and recognize that they are real for children. It is important to be calm, to be empathetic, and above all to never force children into fearful situations. We will tell you more below.

How to overcome irrational fears in childhood

1. Respect their opinion

The first of the tips to get your child to overcome irrational fears is to respect their opinion. Although they are situations that seem unfounded, the little one has reasons to experience this emotion. As a mother, you should listen to and respect the child’s feelings.

Any child has the right to express fear. This should not be denied or concealed, much less force you to have excessive anger. Infants must be understood and helped through respect and advice, in order to make them feel more and more secure.

Insect phobia in children can be very scary for them.

2. Provide all the information they need

While it may seem like a no-brainer, sometimes it is necessary to give children all the information they need. The little ones are still discovering how the world works and the elements around them; it is a stage in which you are still finding your way around cause and effect.

The more information you give your children, the more they will know about the world around them and, therefore, the less they will worry. If, for example, they fear storms, it is time to inform them where thunder and lightning are coming from. Do not forget that this knowledge will make them feel more secure and calm.

3. Control media consumption

Third, consider that  movie images, music videos, video games, and even television news can have a negative impact and worsen irrational fears in childhood. Therefore, it is advisable to closely monitor the consumption of children of material that comes from the media.

You can even teach your child to use the remote control and turn off the television when images appear that may cause anxiety. As a mother, you must show him how to consume audiovisual content appropriate for his age and in a responsible way.

4. Projects confidence

One of the ways for your child to overcome irrational fears is to show him that you are not afraid. In fact, telling your child not to be afraid can be even more upsetting in some situations.

However, if the little one feels your confidence, begin to believe that there is nothing to fear. So it is time for you to give your child the confidence he needs to begin to overcome the irrational fears that haunt him.

5. Read books that address fears

The last tip on our list of tips for overcoming irrational fears in childhood is to  read books that represent scary situations to help children overcome their fears. This is a useful strategy that allows children to identify with the character who shares the same anxiety.

Encouraging reading from an early age favors the development of a correct study habit

This causes children to observe that someone else feels the same way and consequently to be more open to their concerns. Putting fear into words can help reduce your child’s worry.

Lastly, don’t forget that all children need help to overcome irrational fears. Childhood is a time of discovery, so you need to respect their concerns.

While it is not certain that they will overcome their anxieties immediately, they will be able to learn to cope better. There is no doubt that with these tips you will be able to help your little one!

How to help overcome childhood fears

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