In What Position Should Babies Sleep?

Certain risks to the baby such as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or reflux can be prevented by adopting a correct posture during sleep.
What position should babies sleep in?

When you finally have your baby in your arms and you are ready to go home to start living that longed-for moment, thousands of questions begin to cross your mind. For example: in what position should babies sleep? You think about this because you want to rule out any of the risk factors that compromise the well-being or integrity of your newborn.

It is normal that we have a little anxiety to know if we will do it well and if we can guarantee the well-being of that little person who seems so fragile and who depends 100% on what we do. That is why it is very important to reduce any risk factor, in this case when putting a baby to sleep. To be able, therefore, to be calmer and to take advantage of the time to regain energy.

In this sense, there are two things that every mother fears that may happen while the baby sleeps. The first is the so-called Sudden Death Syndrome and the second, the problems caused by reflux.

Risk factors when it comes to sleeping babies

How should a baby sleep?

In the case of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the causes that cause it are not yet known, since it is an event that affects healthy children up to one year of age suddenly. Even after an autopsy, the exact causes of this fact have not been determined.

Experts believe that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also known as “cradle death,” could be related to failure of the baby’s heart or respiratory system. Still, there is no exact data on this.

Another issue that can alarm moms is when the baby suffers from reflux. But this case is a temporary problem caused by immaturity in the digestive system. However, the danger that this poses is the so-called bronchial aspiration or, in simpler words, that the vomit goes to the lungs and causes suffocation.

Myths and facts when it comes to sleeping babies

how a baby should sleep (1)

For a long time it was believed that the best thing was for a little one to sleep face down. Well, in case of reflux or vomiting, it was the best position for expulsion and thus reduce the possibility of suffocation. However, paradoxically, this only increased the cases of sudden death and led to a medical investigation.

For this reason, doctors now recommend that the baby sleep on his back. Since this change has been implemented, the cases of deaths of this type have been reduced significantly. Other recommendations with which you can keep your baby safe are:

  • Select a firm mattress and avoid sleeping on soft surfaces.
  • Do not cover him with blankets or duvets until he is one year old. In the meantime, it is preferable to keep warm with weather-appropriate pajamas.
  • Make sure the baby’s room has adequate ventilation and temperature. Having children overdressed can cause body overheating.
  • Keep your baby away from cigarette smoke.
  • Choose plain bedding, preferably cotton. Some even prefer not to use the bumpers that are placed around the crib.
  • Use a pillow appropriate to the size of the baby, avoid adult ones. There are some specially designed for ebb tide that have a slight incline ideal for little ones.
  • There are pediatricians who recommend avoiding that the baby sleeps with adults, because when you breathe carbon dioxide is exhaled, which is harmful to the baby if you breathe it in. But everyone can make their own personal decision about it.

A better rest for both of you

By taking these recommendations into account, you will ensure that your little one has a restful sleep, is comfortable and at the same time safe. In this way, parents can be more calm while the baby sleeps and continues to grow in a healthy way. In short, you will guarantee a better rest for both you and your baby.

Study reveals how to avoid sudden death syndrome

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