The Little Prince, A Story Just For Children?

The teachings of The Little Prince are still current and valid for young and old. We break down some of the passages of this wonderful story.
The Little Prince, a story just for children?

It is one of the most translated works in literature. We can find it in more than 200 languages, there is even a Braille version . The teachings of The Little Prince  have become an X-ray of the human being. With its lights and shadows, greed against love, the material against the essential … A book that, at 75 years of age, remains more current than ever and that has managed to move children and adults.

Do you know The Little Prince?

Although it is considered children’s literature in the first instance, it manages to get fully into philosophical questions  about loneliness, love or the meaning of life itself, in a subtle and easy to understand way.

For this reason,  The Little Prince is one of those bedside books  that every time you read it again you find new teachings in the words of a little boy who seeks answers in other worlds.

The author,  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Its author, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, dedicated his life to aviation and writing. He wrote The Little Prince during his exile in the United States at the beginning of World War II. A strong personal crisis made him ask himself basic questions of the human being and masterfully reflected them in a tale full of wisdom.


The teachings of The Little Prince in 5 passages

1. “You can only see with the heart, what is essential is invisible to the eyes”

In a world in which we measure everything by what we have, where the material takes center stage, it reminds us that what is truly important cannot be quantified. In this we will not find happiness.

2. “I don’t need you, you don’t need me either, but if you tame me, then we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me, I will be the only one in the world for you “

One of the most beautiful moments in history is when the fox and The Little Prince become friends. Here we learn that when you love someone, they become responsible for each other. Although you know that you can be without him and he without you, you take care of him, you value him, you help him grow, because you like what his presence brings to your life.

3. “It is much more difficult to judge yourself than to judge others. If you manage to judge yourself correctly, you are a wise man “

Self-knowledge is one of the key pieces of personal growth. Knowing what our gifts and our weaknesses are gives us the opportunity to grow and become better people. This is one of the teachings of The Little Prince,  which leads us to introspection and to see ourselves before looking out.


The Little Prince , a story to reinforce and recover values

4. “I should have judged her by her actions and not by her words, she perfumed me, she enlightened me. I should have guessed her from her cuteness, behind her poor cunning. Flowers are so inconsistent. But I was too young to know how to love her “

When our character remembers the rose he abandoned on his planet, he regrets for not having valued it in time. A typical behavior of the human being, hence the saying: “Nobody knows what they have until they see it lost.” We seek that others meet our expectations, we do not build relationships in which we allow ourselves to appreciate the love in what the other gives us.

5. “Love is not looking at each other but looking at both in the same direction”

If we only look at the other, we will reproach him for everything he does, we will not be able to build. It’s about holding hands, looking to the same side, and standing up together when things go wrong.

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