Discretion, An Important Value In The Education Of Children

In a world dominated by social media, the premise is to publish everything we do. However, in this article we will talk about discretion as an important value in educating our children.
Discretion, an important value in the education of children

Exposing ourselves and exposing everything we do is in fashion. It doesn’t matter what it is: what we cook, when we travel, what clothes we wear and where we buy them, what we do when we get bored, and even what our dog does.

The objective is to share and expose the private life, the daily life of each one, so that our closest circle can see it, but also, and this is the final objective, the greatest number of people. Thus, in a world of infinite shop windows, discretion seems to be a value that has become obsolete, or in any case, out of fashion.

What is discretion?

Discretion refers to caution or reserve not to tell what one knows or to keep a secret  when there is no need for others to know or know it. Discretion is related to prudence, both to establish a judgment and to speak or act.

With which, a discreet person is one who is reserved, moderate, measured and who does not try to attract attention, neither with his actions, nor with his appearance or statements. A discreet person does not have the need to talk about himself or others, nor to share at every step what he does or does not do.

For this reason, sometimes, people who are discreet are often described as people who do not stand out or stand out, which is very relative and debatable.

Mother talking with her daughter about the value of discretion.

Discretion, a rising stock or a deprecated stock

A value is a quality for which a person is appreciated or well regarded. And, as we mentioned at the beginning, discretion as a value is not fully considered.

Through social networks, especially adolescents and young adults, they do not have the habit of being discreet and leaving the most daily and private life in the background, but quite the opposite. T he way of being of our current society is to show a lot, talk a lot about oneself and others, get into the lives of others and allow them to get into ours.

However, discretion is well considered according to the areas and environments in question  and the people with whom we relate. In other words, in some jobs or in certain social contexts, discretion is an important value, and interpersonal relationships are established trying to respect some areas of people’s privacy, generally related to the field of private life.

In addition, closely linked to the context or the sphere of relationship, discretion is also well regarded in relation to the way of speaking, how to speak, with what tone and at what moment. What’s more, discretion is well regarded in relation to actions and ways of moving, even the way of dressing. The opulence or extravagance are not well accepted depending on the context and according to whom or who.

Discretion, an important value in the education of our children

To consider discretion as an important value in educating our children, we can teach them questions such as the following:

  • Teach them that discreet people make good friends. Explain that the basis of discretion is trust, and when people know how to keep secrets or do not talk about what another person tells them, they can be trusted.
  • Explain that displaying one’s life through social media does not make them unique or different, since almost everyone does the same.
    Father teaching his son to use social media responsibly and teaching him the value of discretion.
  • Show the importance of discretion in relation to your own safety. The more discreet they can be about where they live, who they hang out with, or the places they frequent, the more protected they can be. In this way, you can avoid having to live bad experiences or situations with people who have bad intentions.
  • Teach them that it is okay to share tastes and hobbies on social media and with friends, but that it is also okay to safeguard important thoughts and feelings  and share them only with family or closest friends, since only these people will be able to understand us and sincerely respect each other.
  • Note that discreet people are usually intelligent people. They are people who don’t talk about everything because they think they know everything. On the contrary, they are people who know how to listen, who observe and reflect before giving an opinion, and try not to judge if they do not know the lives of others, or their circumstances.

Discreetly educated children …

Precisely because we live in a society whose way of being is to be open to the world to speak lightly about everything and everyone, we must educate our children in the value of discretion. Precisely because of the times in which we live, of constant exposure and extroversion, we must teach our children to be discreet. Make sure they understand that there are certain parts of their life that must remain private. For your future and for your safety.

Even when our son’s personality is characterized by being more outgoing, we should teach him to be discreet, since, surely, no matter how sociable and histrionic a son may be, he must know how to behave discreetly  in some field or context as it grows and develops. Or, in any case, you will appreciate finding discreet people at some point in your life.

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