Tips To Help You Decide Your After-school Activity

Tips to help you decide your after-school activity

The extracurricular activity has many variations, it is something proposed with the intention that all tastes, personality and disposition of each child can be catered for. Not all of us have the same capacities and affinity for the same thing, so it is important to choose carefully those opportunities to expand the skills of the little ones.

Most experts suggest that children be left to decide what activity they want to start with ; but they will not always know for sure from the beginning, for this reason it is convenient that with our knowledge about them, we can help them make this decision.

Looking at it from an objective point of view, we will know if the little ones are good at something or not. For example, if we have noticed that you are not very good at physical activities, it is very likely that you will not be good at playing sports. However, due to the diversity in the potential of each person, extracurricular activities are of a diverse nature.


The benefits

In some way, these activities strengthen the learning that is acquired at home and at school, since it is more or less a means to put into practice their social skills and develop their capacities. When children begin to have these types of responsibilities, they begin an experiment of how they will gradually adapt to society.

The benefits of extracurricular activities cover several aspects, for example:

  • They are recommended to encourage creativity
  • Help develop personality
  • They promote play and physical activity
  • Improve social relationships
  • They promote responsibility
  • They contribute to the exercise of values ​​such as respect, cooperation, discipline, perseverance
  • It allows the child to increase his self-esteem, because it helps him to recognize his abilities; this encourages him to be more self-confident and improve his relationship with other children
  • The child focuses his interest on concrete actions, which leaves little time for leisure

Help him decide his after-school activity based on the benefits

Each child has a particular need, that weakness that must be improved ; This is something that is well known to the family, whose advice should be essential when choosing the child’s extracurricular activity. But not all are designed to attack the same problems, as each area is oriented to a particular purpose and brings its own benefits.

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According to the type of activity, these are the benefits that will motivate us to decide.

  • Artistic activities. These are different from each other, because some require physical activity like dance and others are creative like painting. However, its benefits are intended to promote the expression of feelings, imagination, taste for art and sensitivity.
  • Sport activities. In general, they stimulate the conception of healthy habits, promote discipline, help overcome shyness and develop tolerance for frustration. Teamwork is helpful in stimulating cooperation, camaraderie, and self-control.
  • Academic activities. They are useful for expanding classroom learning, which serves as a reinforcement of what has been learned. It is important for children to develop comprehensively, as their knowledge increases. Courses in math, English, spelling, and writing are recommended for children with learning disabilities.

    Tips for choosing

    To choose correctly, we must consider which of the benefits described above we want to bring to children. However, there are other criteria to take into account in this decision:

    • Listen to the child, express his or her likes and make the choice by consensus
    • The options should be geared towards your age, which are appropriate to your abilities and skills.
    • It is convenient that it is not abused in the weekly schedules, it is enough that they are two to three days a week
    • That there is perceptible motivation in the child, that is, that it is not an imposition or to please the parents
    • Carrying out the activity must be aimed at the comprehensive benefit of the child ; That is why it is not convenient for it to be applied as punishment or as a reward
    • Consider what is the logistical capacity of the family, to transfer the child to the extracurricular activity. That is, there must be availability and ease, so that you can fully comply.

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