Teach Your Child To Apologize Without Having To Lower His Head

Teach your child to apologize without having to lower his head

Offering apologies, asking to be forgiven, are merits that not all people have. In fact, very few can say that they tend to ask to be excused every time they make a mistake, and less, that they feel comfortable when they do it. For them the act of making their repentance public denotes weakness of character, weak personality, submission, servility and humiliation.

Supported by this opinion, every day hundreds of humans with poverty of soul proliferate. Too egomaniacal beings to suffer what happens to others and measure the possible consequence of their actions before committing them. On a daily basis we can meet people who have never apologized and go through life full of self-centeredness, narcissism and lack of humility.

So that your child is not one of them, and instead, grows with integrity, teach him that he must love and respect himself as he is, appreciate his qualities, value his achievements and fight for his dreams. But also to act as a proper man, to fight for his goals without hurting others, and even less, to reach the top relying on the suffering of others. Tell him that he must learn to accept his blunders in the most natural and upright way that can be done: by apologizing when he has hurt someone else because of them.

The importance of asking for forgiveness


Mom, the importance of asking for forgiveness lies in the good you can do with this action, both to yourself and to the person you have hurt. This should be passed on to your little one. When you ask for forgiveness, the person who does it feels liberated, without guilt or regrets to bear. The aforementioned party feels comforted and is even happy to know how much the other cares.

If you teach your son to ask for forgiveness, you will be forming an educated man, whom they will love and value; with this you will be giving him new tools to consolidate friendships.

Also keep in mind that apologies can stop violence and make humans, each with their character, opinions, feelings, and attitudes, able to coexist in full harmony.

Teach your child to apologize without having to lower his head

Mom, teach your son to apologize for his mistakes, but for real. It’s worth nothing: I’m sorry, if the other person notices that deep down they receive empty words. Show him that the basis for this is the uniquely human cognitive ability, which is called empathy. When you are able to put yourself in your friend’s shoes and feel as if it were firsthand what just happened to him, it will be very easy for you to regret an event and apologize.


Now, it is essential that you instill in him that not because he knows how to ask for forgiveness and does so when he is wrong, he must become the meek dove that everyone bothers. He has to learn to apologize but continue to behave like the brave child who does not shy away from others, because many times he will ask for forgiveness and will not get an answer, other times, he will receive mockery and boos for his way of being, even, he may sometimes be attacked . Your nobility and bravery will be a source of envy.

That is why you must teach him to transmit firmness in his regrets. Let him look into the eyes of the other when he goes to ask for forgiveness and leave his head raised as a sign of will. Do not humble yourself just for the fact that you have erred. He is human, and his mistake is not far from that of others. If it hurts, the most important thing is that you accept it, face it, apologize, and find a way to remedy the mistake.

Remember: Asking for forgiveness is not lowering your head, it is looking for a way to compensate for any damage. With this, your child will be showing what he is worth and the greatness of spirit he has. It only remains for you to learn how to do it.

Excess pride is basically the obstacle that makes it impossible for many people to apologize. The proud consider that with this act they humble themselves, sometimes they are right. Not everyone knows how to ask for forgiveness without lowering their head, for this they must have trained their character and have the emotional intelligence that is required.

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