Encourage Your Child’s Gifts

Encourage your child's gifts

All parents think that our children are the best and imagine that they will go very far in life. Who has not dreamed of a successor son to Messi, Einstein, Beethoven or Picasso? Leaving aside these parental dreams and desires, the truth is that you must develop an important role: promote your child’s gifts!

It is that many children have a hidden talent and the mission of parents is, precisely, to discover it in order to finally bring it to light and enhance it. The ideal time to nurture your child’s gifts is when he stops being a baby and becomes a boy.

Take the opportunity to observe him and discover what he is passionate about and in which discipline he excels, in order to enhance his skills, abilities and talents. What’s good about it?. As the boy develops his artistic and sporting qualities, his senses and motor skills develop.

However, do not get demoralized if your little one does not show a special interest in any specific discipline and the task of promoting your child’s gifts does not seem to bear fruit, since not all are born with a star that destined them to shine in life, but it may exceedingly happy without reaching stardom.

Your child’s gifts, natural assets

Almost all children have unique and non-transferable talents, therefore, your task is to promote your child’s gifts, motivating him to develop those natural abilities from preschool age. It is simply a matter of carefully observing the child, in order to know what catches their attention and what they are most knowledgeable about.

But be careful: avoid pressuring him, just be proud of every little achievement. The common denominator of parents is that they make the crass mistake of requiring children to excel in the discipline in which they left everything, but talent is natural and intrinsic to every human being, so it is not inherited.

Now, the question is: “How do you know what the little one likes the most?” Of course, the idea is not and will not be to write it down in any class of various disciplines you find, because the boy will not have time to play and rest, something fundamental for his development.

Then, try to know him in depth in order to intuit what attracts him. In this way you can guide your child towards the knowledge of his personal interests, promoting his gifts, skills, physical and mental abilities. A time-consuming but worthwhile task.

Step One: Exploring Tastes and Preferences

  • Offer your child music of different genres from baby.
  • Accompany him to do outdoor activities, especially sports.
  • Bring him paints, crayons, pencils, papers and clay so that he can experiment and be in contact with art.
  • You can take it to museums of various kinds, free or with a fee.
  • Boost your memory and intellect with puzzles, memotest, legos, board games, etc.
  • Let him cooperate in the kitchen so he experiments.
  • Leave an appliance or appliance that is not used to play repair, disassembling and reassembling.

Step Two: Stimulation

As we have said, talent is natural, but it is also true that if you properly encourage your child’s gifts, you promote the full development of their talents. Therefore, if you notice that the child shows special interest in certain stimuli, try to carry out an activity that encourages their learning.

You can do the activity with the child at home, enroll him in a course where he can reinforce his gift, take him to museums, plays and sporting events  so that he is in contact with what so attracts his attention. Obviously, always with prior consultation and your consent, not by obligation.


Artistic sensibility

It would be interesting, regardless of the field in which the child excels, that you stimulate his artistic sensitivity, since art is the expression of human creativity and sensitivity capable of enhancing the development of the senses, the manifestation of emotions and intelligence. .

The specialists explain that this discipline requires the use of both cerebral hemispheres, where the logical, mathematical, analytical and conscious activities are housed, as well as the unconscious, synthetic and intuitive activities typical of artistic talents.

Stimulates your artistic sensibility

To promote the gifts of your child remember that from the age of 2 they will begin a process of knowledge and integration with the world around them, beginning to develop their senses. Therefore, you can dedicate yourself to enhancing the visual and auditory qualities of the child through a variety of stimuli.

  • Always look for toys with different colors, shapes and textures, with sounds and lights.
  • Provide various types of paint and modeling clay to paint and mold figures.
  • Read her stories and poems from pregnancy.
  • Play music of various genres from pregnancy. Once in this world, sing and dance with your child to develop his musical skills.
  • Acquire toy musical instruments  to experiment with.
  • Take it to children’s plays and musicals.

Now, if you notice that your child shows special attraction to any of these stimuli, entertaining himself and dedicating a lot of time, consider enrolling him in special art, music or carving classes. If he gets even more excited about the classes, rejoice: you’ve hit the mark, that’s his talent.

The sport

When you think about promoting your child’s gifts, do not forget that his familiarity with music and art is so important to stimulate his development as well as to favor his motor skills. Do not leave out either of the two areas, nothing better than the combination of both.

It is known that sport is beneficial for health, which is good for the growth of the little one. Those boys with a sedentary tendency, who do not play, run or jump, are weaker and, consequently, more prone to contracting diseases.

Boys' soccer team in car

Experts recommend not just stick with school physical education classes, but you should encourage exercise in your child so that he adopts it as a healthy habit. Biking, hiking, swimming, or taking classes in a sport that you enjoy can help your growth and development.

Other advantages of attending to this aspect is that diseases such as obesity are avoided while enhancing their social skills, helping to relate to more people and to make friends outside the school environment. In these cases, avoid forcing and pressuring your child if he doesn’t want to.

How to help and stimulate your inclination towards sport?

  • Always show your pride in your child, regardless of the results or their performance.
  • Make sure your child has enough free hours to play.
  • If he suddenly loses enthusiasm for the activity, find out the causes before removing him from the group.
  • Don’t smother him with coping advice or push yourself too hard. You are his cheerleader, not his coach.
  • Be moderate when writing it down in courses Don’t overload him with activities.

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