Teach Your Child The Importance Of Recycling

Teach your child the importance of recycling

This activity is truly indispensable in a world in which the threat of pollution looms over humanity. For this reason, we want to help you teach your children the importance of recycling.

When you are a mom, you worry that your children will learn good habits that will help them develop their intellect and maturity. And in this sense, recycling is a task that can be approached in different ways, and that will offer your children the opportunity to be responsible, creative and respectful of the environment.

Unfortunately in many families recycling is not a common practice, despite all the benefits that this activity offers to the family economy and the protection of the planet. If your home has not yet taken this task seriously, we tell you everything you need to know to start making recycling a family habit.

The perfect age

After three years of age, your child is able to learn to separate waste, so that it is deposited in recycling bins that facilitate collection by companies in charge of processing these materials to turn them into new products.

By age three, your children can learn to separate glass, paper, plastic, and aluminum objects. If you have children at home who are over this age, it is time to organize and allocate containers to throw all the paper, plastic, aluminum and glass that we do not need in our home.

While five-year-olds can perfectly understand the benefits of recycling. In addition to separating the waste, you can encourage them to propose different ways to reuse materials and products.

Recycling alternatives

recycling 1

Recycling can mean taking advantage of some things, which can be used for other tasks. Here we give you a series of ideas.

  • Small or medium-sized glass jars can be used to store small items such as threads, needles, buttons, hair clips, and clothes.
  • You can buy cold paint and let your children decorate them to their liking, they can paint the lids and containers, stick labels and even use glitter.
  • Paper can be reused in a number of ways. Gather all the sheets that you have used for academic, professional and other documents; Check which ones you can use on the back and when someone in the family needs to write or print something, they can use the recycling sheets. Then they can take them to the boat designated for the paper.
  • If there is a stuffed animal that has lost its synthetic filling, you can cut strips of recycled paper, and fill the stuffed animal to return to its original shape.
  • When it comes to plastic, you can use water bottles to design a bowling alley. They only have to paint each of the bottles, the color they prefer, and together with a small ball, they can have fun as a family playing bowling.
  • Shoe boxes can be turned into beautiful trunks or chests for storing various items. Let your children let their imaginations run wild and create beautiful designs.
  • Cans of soda drinks and other products can be reused, cut a small hole underneath and joined in series of 10 cans using strings.
  • These ropes can be hung in parallel over a door frame and make an original curtain. This idea can also be used to create a range in the garden to practice target shooting with toy guns.

    An ecological behavior will be the best teaching that you can transmit to your children.

    Reasons to recycle


    Not everything consists of filling bags with waste to dispose of it correctly. There are different reasons why recycling is a wonderful idea such as:

    Protection of the environment. When you recycle paper, you avoid cutting down trees that are used in the making of this important article in our daily lives.

    By recycling plastic you are also contributing to the plastic companies, which will use fewer resources and less energy in transforming recycled material into new products.

    The recycling of any material is of fundamental importance in preserving the environment, not only because of energy savings, but also because the millions of tons of waste that humans generate every day are drastically reduced.

    It is never too late to teach your children the advantages of maintaining a green behavior. Go ahead and remember that the best teaching is the example of mom and dad.

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