Can You Breastfeed While Pregnant?

Can you breastfeed during pregnancy? We answer that and many other questions that often arise during this stage.
Can you breastfeed while pregnant?

There are no general contraindications that prevent  breastfeeding while pregnant, and it has been shown to have no negative consequences.

In most cases, it is a decision that depends exclusively on the mothers, since it  does not imply any type of risk for the mother or the fetus.

Likewise, professionals consider that a normal pregnancy does not require immediate weaning. It is not necessary that you stop breastfeeding while pregnant, since the little one will do it automatically when he deems it appropriate.

If an abortion occurs  or you notice any type of contraction while you are breastfeeding, you should take precautions. In that case, it is very important that you go to the doctor and stop breastfeeding.

Properly inform yourself of the symptoms that are normal and the possible consequences that pregnancy may have will  help you to be as prevented as possible. In addition, you can live quietly and few things will surprise you.

Benefits of breastfeeding

Regardless of the concerns you may have, have no doubt that you are doing what is best for your child.  Breastfeeding your little one is not harmful, even if you are pregnant with another baby.

There is infinite scientific evidence that shows the  benefits of breastfeeding.  Mother’s milk is specially adapted to meet the baby’s needs from birth.

Among its main virtues, we can list:

  • It is the main source of energy and nutrients. 
  • Breastfed babies are less at risk of getting infections.
  • In addition, its consumption brings them benefits for their health and development. In fact, it  accelerates the  cognitive development of the little ones.
  • Numerous studies have shown that breastfed children do better on intelligence tests.
    Breastfeeding while pregnant is possible and even positive.

    Benefits for mothers

    Breastfeeding also has benefits for women. Here are some of them:

    • Helps lose weight during pregnancy.
    • Reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
    • Delays the return of menstruation.

    Breastfeeding while pregnant: rejection of the elder

    In the event that you try to breastfeed while pregnant, there is a possibility that your child will reject it.  This refusal is due to the fact that hormonal changes during pregnancy cause alterations in the taste and composition of the milk.

    Do not worry about this change in your child’s attitude, as it may be done again after delivery or it may be the final weaning. 

    You should stop breastfeeding your baby during pregnancy if, after visiting a specialist and administering medications, you still feel discomfort, pain or tenderness in the breasts.

    What happens when the baby is born?

    The arrival of the new baby should not interrupt the breastfeeding of the first and, consequently, you can continue to breastfeed both. The act of breastfeeding your two children is known as tandem breastfeeding.

    You can carry out breastfeeding of the two children simultaneously or separately. You must be calm, since it will not require much effort.

    However, whether you feed them simultaneously or alternately, the important thing is that you feel comfortable. It is true that at first it will seem strange and uncomfortable, although you will adapt without any problem.

    In addition, it is very possible that the oldest of your children each time request it less frequently.

    There is no risk of breastfeeding while pregnant.

    Benefits of Tandem Breastfeeding

    This practice is very beneficial for the little ones. Here are some of the benefits of tandem breastfeeding:

    • It favors the bond between siblings

    The fact of sharing food generates a greater attachment and connection between the little ones. There is nothing more beautiful for a mother than to feel the two little ones simultaneously.

    • Avoid jealousy of the elder

    Tandem breastfeeding makes the oldest child feel on an equal footing and still enjoys the privileges they had to date. You will avoid, in this way, that he may feel displaced and, therefore, possible attacks of jealousy.

    Therefore, the decision to breastfeed while pregnant is possible and is the responsibility of the mothers. It is not a bad idea for you to do it, as it is proven that it will affect them in a positive way.


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