You Are My Teacher, Son!

Without realizing it, when you become a mother … your children become your most important teachers in life. They teach you the meaning of it.
You are my teacher, son!

No one has turned my world upside down like you, son. Since you were born I have learned to rethink everything, you have become my teacher. Your father and I have not stopped being ourselves, although sometimes they tell us otherwise.

Although reasoning a little, yes, we have changed, we are an improved version of ourselves, because you have come into the world to transform us, to make us better. Until recently I thought that I was the one who explained and taught you, but at the end of the day I discover that you are my teacher son. You teach me more than I teach you.

Some daring teacher once gave me a secret to enjoy life: Never lose the capacity for wonder, he said. Students who hear that phrase never forget and even say it to each other in the hallways of college or work if we were lucky enough to work together. But the truth is that not losing the capacity for wonder in the professional world of adults is quite difficult.

No matter how passionate we are, social structures end up boring us and many times many women and men decide, when the time comes, to become parents, to take another step on the path of personal fulfillment even if it costs to sacrifice a little professional life.

However, it is our children who remind us every day that life is worthwhile when we do not lose the capacity for wonder, when we become more and more like children.


My life teacher is you, son

Yes, it is true, we teach them to speak, to walk, to dress and in general to behave correctly according to the norms of society, but they, so to speak, reinsert us into real life. Because children, without a doubt, see life in a way that adults already forget and are masters in teaching us that the simplest is the most valuable.

Children masterfully teach us that to be happy it is necessary that we retain some ingenuity, that we be simple, brave and that whatever happens it is always better to smile, even after crying. Every day and without knowing it our children teach us a lesson, most of them are certainly simple, but they keep within themselves what is essential to enjoy life. Here are some of the teachings that those teachers called children teach us:

Smile, there’s always something worthwhile

One of the first things those teachers called sons teach is that there is always a reason to smile. Surely at this point it does not matter if at the end of the day you end up laughing at yourself, sometimes it is even the best of experiences you can have.

Getting dirty is healthy, my teacher shows me

Little by little you realize that you spend too much energy on trivial matters. Children teach you, for example, that it is more important to get dirty, learn and enjoy yourself than to have your clothes intact.

master of life

Having a good time is the most important thing

For children the most important thing in a day is to have a good time. Your child will teach you that days are worth it if you laughed at least once, if you had fun, if you felt happy at least for a moment … If you smile and feel good, it’s worth it. 

Being friendly costs nothing, my teacher teaches me!

Children are experts at making friends. Just look at how they get along in a park or wherever they are to realize that in about five minutes they make a friend with whom they can play for a while. There are many valuable people out there. Why not know them?

Creating makes you happier

Always be in something, creating, motivated, inventing … is another of the great lessons that teacher called son teaches. It is pleasant to see how a child loses himself in his own world when he draws a picture, builds a sand castle or builds a fort that will protect him from an entire army with the cushions on the living room furniture.

These are all expressions of creativity that we should be imitating more frequently. Imagining and creating brings out the best in you as a person, try to do it more often. Your children make you see that your creativity still resides in you.

Trying to do new things is always good

Rarely will a child be afraid to try something new. Every day you can learn something different and with trying you do not lose anything. Children are not afraid to ride a bicycle even if they fall a thousand times. That is a good attitude to life!

mom and teacher

In the details is the spark of life

When we grow up we forget that the most beautiful thing in life is in the details. In the greeting and smile that a good neighbor or a stranger offers us in the street, in the person who helped us and opened the taxi door, in the flowers that adorn the alleys when spring arrives, in the little bird that sings in front of our window every morning. Children do pay attention to details and that is why they enjoy every day. Let’s learn from it, it’s not that difficult.

Every day is a new opportunity and my teacher shows it to me

Children seem to be made of magical components. For them it is easy to forget. Every morning they live life as if sleep had reset their souls. This restart serves above all to forget their grudges and give life and people a new chance. To enjoy the adventures of a day you can not be upset. Being angry wears you down, it is better to invest that energy in being happy.

Make your children happy with experiences and not with so many toys

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