Importance Of Music For Children’s Cognitive Development

Music is essential for children’s cognitive development. This favors intellectual, psychological and motor development, among many other benefits.
Importance of music for children's cognitive development

Different scientific studies affirm how important music is for children’s cognitive development. This is key to stimulate them at the intellectual, auditory, sensory, language and motor levels.

Music generates an increase in neural connections, which makes for better development at the cognitive level. It is one of the sensory stimuli that most brain areas activate. There are many benefits that music offers for children  since they are in the womb. If you want to know more, keep reading.

Music as a fundamental instrument for learning

Music is an essential tool for educators and parents. Through it, children are able to learn in a more fun way, thus acquiring learning that would otherwise be more difficult to acquire.

One of their properties is the ease with which they can incite emotional states and develop our personality. Music is key in the first stage of the educational system, since it favors intellectual and motor development, etc.

If children listen to music during childhood, their skills will expand more quickly and easily. A child’s brain is much more receptive and active than an adult’s, so it learns faster. If we expose our little ones from an early age, they will result in a multitude of benefits in their development.

Child listening to music because it is beneficial for children's cognitive development.

Benefits of music for children’s cognitive development

Changes at the physiological level

These changes can occur in heart rate, respiration, metabolism, immune system, brain rhythm, or neural activity.

Promotes the ability to concentrate and attention

Music can increase productivity at work, stimulates memory, reasoning, so we can say that it favors learning.

Improved motor skills

The child will acquire a better expression of his body and will enhance the control of body rhythm when music is accompanied by dance.

Preverbal preparation, one of the benefits of music for children’s cognitive development

Children, thanks to music, will begin to speak and learn languages earlier.

Improved autonomy in their routines

The child takes care of himself and his environment, thus expanding his relationships with the world.

Improved perception, another of the benefits of music for children’s cognitive development

Greater precision to focus on auditory and visual stimuli. It also improves the organization of ideas and facilitates creativity.

On a psychological level

It develops their feelings and emotions, which can modify their mood and lead them to reflection, depending on the type of music that we put on them. In addition, it improves emotional ties, stimulating their emotional intelligence.

Little girl playing the xylophone because music is beneficial for children's cognitive development.

Language improvement

Involves the child in the meanings of words, and thus strengthens learning. Improve your language, as songs increase your vocabulary.

Achievements through music for children’s cognitive development depending on age

  • From birth to one year : the child will change its state from rest to active before any sound stimulation.
  • From one year on : through babbling, children will be able to make music and hum. On a motor level, children react to music by tilting their heads, turning, raising their arms, etc.
  • With two years : they can already produce sounds with objects, accompanying improvised melodies.
  • From 2 to 3 years : coordinated motor response according to the music you are listening to. From this age, the little ones are already capable of singing as part of their games.
  • From 3 to 4 years : increases the repertoire of movements and even allows the child to imitate some dance steps.
  • From 4 to 5 years old : they are already able to memorize the melody and lyrics of the songs. Sometimes children can even compose their own songs, thus developing their creativity.
  • From 5 to 6 years : at this stage they already have a greater capacity and tone for singing, and can easily reproduce songs, correct them and memorize them.

As you can see, music for children’s cognitive development is essential and, if it is not introduced from the child’s early years, it can have repercussions on a psychological and biological level due to the lack of stimulation. Now that you know how important music is to children’s cognitive development, don’t deprive your child of it.

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