Why Should Children Eat Legumes?

Legumes stand out for their contribution of fiber, which is key to improving the functioning of the digestive tract to reduce constipation.
Why should children eat legumes?

It is important for children to get used to eating a varied diet. Eating legumes is essential to achieve optimal nutritional intake on a weekly basis. Most dietary guidelines advocate that children should eat legumes at least 1 or 2 times a week. However, the recommendation is usually not met.

Keep in mind that legumes are foods that are difficult to digest. To avoid being heavy, it is recommended to cook them well. It is good that they spend at least a couple of hours in the pot over low heat so that they soften properly and generate less gas.

What are legumes?

Legumes are a group of foods of plant origin that are characterized by their protein content, higher than that of other products from plants. Specifically, the edible part is always the seed of the plant in question.

These stand out for their nutritional density and for their fiber content. However, it should be noted that they cannot be eaten raw, as a general rule, and that they need a cooking process so that they can be chewed properly.

Child eating lentils because legumes are very important.

Benefits of legumes for children

We are going to explain the benefits that this food group is capable of bringing to children, as well as the position of science in this regard.

Lower risk of constipation

According to a study published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics , adequate fiber intake is associated with a lower risk of constipation. The fiber favors more violent peristaltic contractions, so that the fecal bolus descends optimally through the digestive tract. This is one of the reasons why children should eat legumes, since, due to their fiber content, they generate this effect.

Reduction in the incidence of colon cancer

It is not common for children to develop tumors. However, habits acquired in childhood are easily maintained throughout life. In this sense, regular fiber consumption has been associated with a lower incidence of digestive tract tumors. This is evidenced by research published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition .

They improve protein intake

It is clear that the highest quality proteins are those from foods of animal origin. However, legumes also have a significant amount of these nutrients that contributes to completing the daily requirements. It is recommended that they appear frequently in the diet to avoid defects in the development of lean mass.

Decrease in the prevalence of infectious diseases

On the other hand, legumes are capable of providing many important micronutrients for the body. One of them is zinc, a key element in the differentiation of the cells of the white series, those in charge of the defense function. Thanks to this element, a better protection against microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria is experienced.

More functional microbiota

Many times, when we refer to fiber, we are talking about the insoluble portion of it. This is responsible for increasing the volume of the fecal bolus. But there is another fraction, the soluble one, which has a fermentation capacity inside the tube. This serves as a substrate for the bacteria that make up the microbiota, allowing them to grow efficiently. From here a more efficient digestion is experienced.

Little girl eating rice and legumes.

Tips for your children to eat legumes

Introducing legumes into a child’s diet is not always easy. To facilitate this, you can start by introducing them in puree, since this way their texture and flavor are disguised. In addition, you will get an easier digestion of them, which will generate less gas at the intestinal level.

Once they have gotten used to the taste of food, you can start offering it in the form of stews, even in stir-fries or salads. The good thing about these foods is that they have great versatility.

Children should eat legumes because they are important foods

As you have seen, it is important to include legumes in your regular diet. These foods are capable of generating a series of health benefits when they appear frequently in the diet. Of course, we must also ensure a consumption of protein of animal origin to avoid deficits in these nutrients. Prepare them in different ways to take advantage of all their versatility.

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