The Key Parenting Language For The Future Of Children

It is important that parents take care of the language; We must not forget that our children follow our example. If we use phrases of motivation, encouragement, tolerance and respect, we will be teaching that type of language to our children and it will be key to their future.
The language of parents key to the future of their children

The language of parents, although sometimes we do not give it the importance it deserves, will be decisive for the future of our children. The language we use daily will influence children, since they are around us and acquire habits of what they see.

Our thoughts and beliefs are expressed through words; For this reason, it is important to provide our children with the tools that help them manage an appropriate vocabulary, in addition to its correct use. In the following lines we are going to see what things we should avoid and what we should take into account when we use language with our children.

Why is the language of parents so important in children?

When a child begins to speak, his vocabulary is closely related to what he hears in his environment. The words you use can tell us a lot about the environment around you. With this, we not only refer to whether he uses bad language, but also the type of messages he uses to motivate himself or become unmotivated when starting to carry out any activity, face a problem or talk about other people.

Father talking to his son making good use of language.

For this reason it is important that parents take care of the vocabulary that we use in our day to day, since we are the models and examples of our children. Poor use of language will influence poor vocabulary acquisition on your part.

We always have to send positive messages, encouragement, motivation and do it from a positive attitude ; This will make them follow our example and always use positive vocabulary to help them cheer up and have a positive attitude towards whatever they come across.

Parental language: things to avoid

We are going to see two things that parents should avoid doing, because we would be sending messages to our children that can harm them.

Don’t take the role of victim

If we want our children to feel fulfilled in all areas of their lives, we cannot constantly send them messages about how unfair life is, say that everything is fatal, that living with a partner is very complicated, that friends betray, etc. If we are their reference for everything and we send them these types of messages, they will not strive to aspire to achieve the best.

Not criticize

It is important that we send our children messages of tolerance and respect for others; We are all people and it does not matter what race, gender, ethnicity, religion or condition. Now, if we say one thing and then, with our actions and words, criticize others, neighbors, acquaintances, co-workers, etc., something is wrong.

People are different, but not better or worse. Accepting each other shows our high degree of emotional intelligence. If there is something that bothers us about someone, it is better that we comment on it in private instead of criticizing. Do not forget that parents are the reference of children.

Parents’ language: aspects that we must reinforce

In addition to the aspects that we must avoid, there are also things that we must reinforce and improve.

Keep our emotions in check

It is important that we do not get carried away by our emotions, especially when we are angry. It is better to count to 10 and take deep breaths several times. In addition, we can also ask ourselves if what has angered us so much is going to matter in a few years. Altering ourselves is never going to benefit anyone.

Criticize constructively

If there is something we need to correct about our child, it is best to do it constructively. If we do it with disqualifications, we will be hurting the child.

Focus on the fact, not the person

If the child does something that we did not like, we must be clear by explaining what we did not like and what he would have to do so that this does not happen again. We will not criticize you because you are not going to take us anywhere.

Mother having fun chatting with her daughter.

Always listen to the other party

You have to allow time for them to express themselves and explain what happened. We will not judge alone without listening.

Use the word as positive reinforcement

Using words that can encourage them, this way we will make our children believe in them and achieve what they want. In the same way, we have to apply it to ourselves; It is useless to encourage the little ones if we treat ourselves badly.

As you have seen, the language of parents has a great influence on the lives of their children and, in addition, it will be decisive for their future. The word will be crucial to cultivate good self-esteem, set goals and fight to achieve them, maintain good relationships with others, etc.

Therefore, if we make a correct use of language, we will all benefit in many aspects. Our emotional and social well-being, as well as that of our children, will depend on the correct use we make of words and their content.

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