Parents Must Re-educate Ourselves To Educate Our Children

When we want to educate our children, we must be aware of the importance of also re-educating ourselves first.
Parents must re-educate ourselves to educate our children

If you are a parent, you should know that educating is a full-time job and that is why it is so important to re-educate ourselves to educate our children. When you have children, you realize that they are quick to imitate the adults of reference. Your children observe you and try to do, on many occasions, things the same as you do, just as they like to repeat what you say.

In this sense, it is important to take into account how essential it is to be a good example for children every day, not just from time to time. It is not enough to explain to them what to do ; You have to show them how to do it correctly so that they really internalize it!

Therefore, positive discipline constantly invites us to review our behaviors to re-educate them and be able to educate our children from a new perspective. A better perspective where not only you win, but both your children and the family nucleus will benefit.

Boy helping his father cook a pizza.

We must re-educate ourselves in order to educate our children

As parents, the decision to apply positive discipline is a challenge and this, therefore, forces us to look within ourselves and re-educate ourselves. In general, previous generations have been raised under an education that followed a behaviorist model, so the examples we have in our minds follow this outdated model.

When we are faced with situations that pose a challenge to ourselves, it is common to mentally resort to what we have experienced in our childhood to arrive at what is familiar and “normal” for ourselves or our family. It is logical to do so, although what we find is not always the best way to educate our children today.

Applying positive discipline is much more demanding on parents than applying behaviorism. This is so because many times we are faced with a conflict and the changes in behavior in our children are not as fast as we possibly would like.

Every effort has its rewards

But every effort has its reward and is worth it. This occurs when little by little we see in our children that they have an increasingly reflective and respectful response both to themselves and to others. They are those moments when you realize that positive discipline works, even though we have had to cultivate it through patience.

This will give us strength to continue. Every day will be full of incoherent situations and it is important that we be compassionate with ourselves. That we understand that in the long term education is also important. When educating children, not only today matters; your future is just as important.

For this reason, we have to make the effort in small situations, in those conflicts that may seem silly. Although the boys are shaping their personality and their way of dealing with the world, both in the present and in their future.

Educating our children is a team effort

When we educate our children it is necessary to agree on strategies and decisions with the couple. In this way, the challenges can be tackled together and the weight of the upbringing will be less, but just as satisfactory.

Father helping his daughter to study to give her a good education.

But above all we must remember that it is a process with errors, that it is normal to make mistakes, because there is nothing written and nothing is certain. We have to learn to be compassionate and understanding people if, for example, we consider that our partner has not had a correct reaction in a certain situation with children.

Education is about extending positive discipline to the entire family nucleus, focusing above all on the respect of children for their parents. But also from parents to children. Both directions are just as important.

In addition to respect, it is also important to focus education on the search for the good, for solutions, not on focusing only on what the child does not know how to do or does wrong. This undermines your self-esteem and doesn’t fix anything.

Therefore, putting positive discipline into practice is an effort as parents, because we will have to be observing and reviewing our reactions all the time and looking for tools that work with our children. The results will not only be seen in the long term in the little ones, but also in the current and future family well-being.

The importance of educating with positive discipline at home and in the classroom

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