The Classic Games For Girls That Never Go Out Of Style

There are some games “for girls” that are ideal to enjoy today … and of course children can play too!
The classic games for girls that never go out of style

Currently, the idea that there are specific games for boys and exclusive games for girls is disappearing. Games contribute to the formation, learning and integral development of children alike. However, there may be games that girls or boys have more predilection for. In any case, all “games for boys” and “games for girls” can be played by any child, regardless of gender.

The games can be of all kinds: board, role-playing, popular, and so on. Through play, children seek, explore, test and discover the world for themselves, this being an effective instrument for education. Today we want to remember some of the classic “games for girls” more fun, cheerful and that never go out of style.

Dads and moms

From a young age, children discover that one way to entertain themselves is imitation. It is a game with theatrical content that is inspired by the functioning of the closest adults.

They love to endorse the behaviors of their teacher, their caregiver and, above all, their closest people: their father and mother. That is why they do with their dolls the same thing that adults do with them: they feed them, scold them, dress them, teach them … They also make them cook, work outside the home or drive.

Every young child has ever played role-playing games by imitating their parents

Thanks to this role-playing game, the little ones learn to put themselves in the place of others thanks to the empathy they develop. In addition, they rehearse so that in the future they can behave as adults with total ease.

The tea party in games for girls

Another of the classic games for girls. In the line of the previous one, almost all the girls from 4 to 8 years old have prepared their tea party. All you need is a small table, a set of cups with a plastic jug, and imagination. Some dolls may be the perfect gourmet guests for the infusions tasting.

It doesn’t hurt that mom or dad participate in the meeting. In the game, the little girl’s social skills are enhanced , as well as her happiness and creativity. Playing with parents can also strengthen the emotional bond that defines them as a family.

Synchronized clapping-clapping games

The girls repeat a sung rhyme while high-fiving hands in a predetermined and rapid manner. Perhaps there is no greater socializer for girls than this simple game with which a healthy complicity between friends is shown.

“En la Calle 24” is one of the best known songs, but there are many other sequences and even some groups of girls decide to invent their own rhymes. The social relations are narrowed and fun is assured without the intervention of any toy.

Ideal blind chicken in games for girls

In this popular game, a space is delimited and a boy or girl (the little chicken) is blindfolded. The others, around, ask him:  “Blind chicken, what have you lost? “, And this responds: I have lost a needle and a thimble . The rest answered: “go around three times and you will find it .” They turn it around three times and the blind chicken starts looking for the others. When he catches someone he has to guess who it is by touch.

It is a very interesting game. In addition to developing sensory perception, it promotes concentration and trust in others. Along with this, surely you remember other outdoor games: English hide and seek, policemen and robbers… All of them are excellent options.

Blind chicken is one of the most popular games for children

Rope games

A very popular one is:

The child jumps throughout the song . When you say “read” the rope rotates overhead and the little ones bend down to avoid hitting the rope on their heads. In addition to the benefit of playing outdoors, these types of games have many other advantages. Jumping rope is a true sport in which a lot of adrenaline is released. With their practice, boys and girls will test their resistance, which also means personal improvement.

Although it can be practiced alone, rope is a great game to share with a group of friends. With different songs specific to this game, they can have a great time playing sports. They also interact with each other, have a lot of fun and get in good physical shape.

Yet another advantage of skipping is that girls increase their reflexes and  their ability to balance . They also enhance your spatial vision. It takes determination, strength and balance, but also to be aware of the number of jumps, their height or the rhythm with which they have to be done.

As you can see, the important thing about games for girls is not who they are focused on or who plays them, but that they serve to promote their education as one more pedagogical tool. Enjoy watching your kids play these classic games!

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