Doubts Before Making Your Baby’s Earrings

Part of the feminine aesthetic in Spain and Latin America establishes as a positive beauty canon to wear jewelry and earrings from an early age. 
Doubts before making your baby's earrings

It is normal to have doubts before making your baby’s earrings. Although this action is quite common, it involves performing an aesthetic intervention that will require light care in the event of possible physical discomfort.

Considering the above, many people question this practice due to its risks to the health of the girl. It is evident that the doubts on this subject have a double character: medical and ethical. That is why we wanted to address it: to clarify your concerns. In this way, you will be in a position to make the best decision as to whether to pierce your little girl’s earlobes.

Doubts before making your baby’s earrings

At what age is it better to put earrings on babies

Doubts before making a girl’s earrings generally have to do with possible health risks. Also, with the hygiene that is required, how the procedure is performed and who should do it. Last but not least, there is cause for concern as to whether the little girl will experience any pain or discomfort during and after the piercing.

About the procedure

The procedure of piercing the lobe of girls for aesthetic reasons is very common in Latin America and Spain. This aesthetic intervention is carried out a few hours or days after the birth of the child. Many mothers even carry the earrings in their baskets that they want the little one to wear.

It is assumed that, being so small, the pain or discomfort of the piercing will not be remembered. Another argument in favor of this practice is that the girl will not be able to tear off the earrings with her hands.

Many parents wonder at what age it is best to put earrings on babies.

According to several international pediatric societies, piercing the lobes does not represent a risk as long as it is performed properly. That is, both the area and the earrings must be well sanitized, regardless of whether they are made of gold or a hypoallergenic material.

Likewise, they recommend that the girl be at least 2 years old and that she already has all the recommended vaccines . Of course, the procedure must be performed by the pediatrician or nurse. They will sterilize the garment and use local anesthesia to make the piercing as painless as possible.

Post-piercing care

To prevent the holes from closing, the earrings will need to remain on the little girl’s ear for at least six weeks. Therefore, once the procedure has been carried out, you should take care of providing the little one with the following care:

  • Always wash your hands very well before touching your little girl’s earlobe.
  • You should apply alcohol once a day.
  • The earrings should be gently turned daily.
  • You may need to apply some adjuvant cream to help speed up the wound healing process. This ointment must be prescribed by the pediatrician who performed the procedure.

Questions about whether to pierce girls’ earlobes

At present, movements in favor of the freedoms and rights of children express their disagreement with performing cosmetic procedures on children. These groups consider that they are unnecessary practices and that they violate the rights of the child.

They start from the idea that although the act does not represent a greater risk to health, decisions are being made about their appearance that ignore their will. They consider that it should be the girl who decides how she wants to look. We must remember that these demands also arise as a result of social recognition of the variety of gender identities that exist.

Taking into account the diversity of gender identities that exist, it is increasingly sought to give the individual the freedom to choose the gender with which they feel identified and not assign it in advance based only on the appearance of their genitals.

Before we finish, we want to insist that if your little one has a fever, the lobe area becomes swollen or too red after the piercing, you should visit the pediatrician immediately.

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