Sweet Recipes For The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby grows considerably. To do this, the mother must eat well and, why not, treat herself to a sweet treat.
Sweet recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy means the end of the most frequent discomforts and the most abrupt hormonal changes for women. Generally, at this time the nausea, dizziness, fatigue and emotional instability end.

When it comes to having desserts, there are many sweet recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy. However, it is good to always keep in mind the need to be moderate in the intake of sweets. Otherwise, certain pathologies such as gestational diabetes could develop.

The baby grows and develops

Between the fourth and sixth month of gestation, the baby almost doubles in size. It also develops suction, can distinguish flavors, feel the cold and heat of the food that the mother eats, has episodes of hiccups and is able to perceive sounds.

Feeding during this period

When the nausea has disappeared, the future mother will finally regain her appetite. However, this does not mean that you can eat uncontrollably. It is necessary to take care of the diet to prevent the appearance of complications, as stated by research published in The British Journal of Nutrition.

Between the 13th and 26th week of pregnancy, a  woman should gradually increase the calories she consumes, until she reaches 2,500 a day. But these calories must come from foods that help her and the baby to cope in the best way this stage.

The carbohydrates present in cereals, rice and pasta are essential at this time as they help maintain muscle activity and blood pressure. This is due to its potassium content, a nutrient that has been shown to counteract the effects of sodium.

Fruits, vegetables and animal proteins are very important too, as are dairy products (preferably low in fat), seeds and nuts.

As in the rest of the pregnancy, sugar is not a prohibited food, but it should be consumed in moderation, since during this period gestational diabetes can appear. That is why it is important to know how to choose sweet recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy.

During pregnancy it is advisable to follow a healthy diet to avoid malformations of the fetus.

Sweet recipes for the second trimester

The ideal during these weeks is to eat several small meals spread throughout the day, without spending more than four hours in a row without eating, which will also help prevent reflux.

And this is where sweet foods appear that, in addition to helping to satisfy the desire to consume sugar, are an excellent option for snacks.

Yogurt is a great ally for mid-morning or snack. It is important that it is low in fat and can be mixed for example with honey and nuts. Fruit smoothies with dairy are also a great contribution for this period.

Dark chocolate is also a good recommendation, as are cereal bars or whole wheat bread with jam, instead of industrial pastries.

And for the weekend or for a special occasion, you can prepare a delicious homemade dessert. The options are many: strawberry or passion fruit mousse, homemade ginger and cinnamon cookies, fruit kabobs, baked apples or low-fat, low-sugar biscuits.

Some sweet recipes

We are going to present you some sweet recipes to satisfy cravings, but also looking to take care of your health.

Strawberry and raspberry mousse

This simple preparation will add a sweet touch to the diet, but without exaggerating the sugar intake.


  • 100 g of raspberries.
  • 100 g of strawberries.
  • ½ glass of cream.
  • 2 egg whites.
  • Icing sugar for decoration.


  • The first thing is to clean the strawberries, cut them in half and blend them in a blender with the raspberries.
  • The cream must be very cold, to mount properly. It has to be sweet and firm, and we will reserve it assembled in the fridge.
  • Then  mount the whites until stiff.
  • The next thing is to mix the strawberry and raspberry puree with the cream, gently. Then, with enveloping movements so as not to lower the whipping point, also add the whites until stiff. Reserve four hours in the refrigerator so that they take consistency.
    Raspberry mousse can be a great option to prepare sweet recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy.

    Light carrot cake

    The carrot cake is one of the favorite desserts for many. We present a version with less amount of sugar so that you can enjoy it without worries.


    • 200 g of low calorie oatmeal.
    • 150 g of baby carrot.
    • 5 egg whites, beaten until stiff.
    • 150 g of whipped cheese without fat.
    • Cinnamon and sweetener to taste.


    • To start, mash the carrot well and mix with oatmeal. Then add the beaten cheese and the whites, mixing everything well.
    • Heat in the oven at 180 degrees, with heat up and down, and if possible air circulation.
    • The next thing will be to incorporate the sweetener and cinnamon, getting a homogeneous mixture.
    • Mix in a cake mold, with greaseproof paper, and bake for half an hour until we prick with a toothpick to check the cooking and it comes out clean.

    Prepare sweet recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

    With the recipes that we have just described, you will be able to satisfy your sweet tooth needs without putting your health at risk and without increasing the risk of developing gestational diabetes, which could complicate the pregnancy and the management of the situation. Do not hesitate to put them into practice.

    4 things you should do before the end of the second trimester of your pregnancy

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