My Son Is Not Weird Or Special, He Is Sick And I Love Him

My son is not weird or special, he is sick and I love him

Certain social stereotypes have turned children’s illnesses into cases of personal involution.  The special term is commonly used to define children with congenital disorders such as Down syndrome, but when a child suffers from some other conduct disorder, many times the lack of knowledge and even, of respect, causes many people to treat them rare.

Rarity is an element that is not so easy to define. Something is weird when it doesn’t look like the things we see every day. A person is considered rare for different reasons; sometimes they are exaggerated facial features or some deformity, but the truth is that a sick person tends to be considered rare.

A mother whose child is branded as special or rare cannot be happy, especially since maternal love is capable of passing any test of life. When we know the nature of the disease we can be more considerate, but respect for the health conditions that afflict a child must outweigh any idle thoughts.

The challenges of parents of a sick child

No one can judge a dedicated mother, especially when her child is sick; However, society imposes a personal challenge on him, because both adults and other children tend to point out the condition of their children.

Some behavior problems in children cannot be easily identified, which promotes unfair remarks, such as saying that it is rare.


In many cases, children who interact with those who are sick can be cruel and sometimes even fearful. This situation tends to worsen the mother’s condition, because the child may not notice it (although this happens rarely), but the mothers suffer from this.

The sick child usually does not realize the context that affects him, such as receiving constant therapies, having a strict medical regimen or going to specialized study centers. In this case, if it is a congenital disease, this only reaches know this way of living.

However, it is the parents who have to deal with social challenges, such as that their children may be treated with contempt or that they cannot lead their normal lives like other children.


Parents whose child was born ill must be able to face challenges such as:

  • One of the main challenges to face is personal; because they have to get an extreme value, adapt their life to the conditions of their child and be willing to overcome new goals. Fear is one of the personal challenges to overcome in these cases.
  • Depending on the type of illness the child suffers from, the child may be prone to developing other medical problems more often. This implies that in addition to his birth condition, the child worsens with serious health problems.
  • Sick children need different care, so there must be a physical, mental and financial capacity to solve eventualities. Locating the supplies, institutions and professionals in the field can be as difficult as having to pay for it.
  • Defending children from society that classifies them as rare and does not promote spaces for their optimal development is a difficult barrier to cross. That is why parents must be mentally prepared for their efforts to keep their child safe from injustice.
  • Putting aside your personal interests and dedicating your entire life to your child is something that love achieves easily, but it is never difficult to prevent our individualities from overtaking us. Loving our son with special needs does not prevent the desire to quit at times.
  • The refusal to accept that our child is sick can be harmful to both the child and the rest of the family. Although it can be very difficult to recognize that the child needs medical intervention, it is essential to improve the quality of family life.
  • Balancing the attention that all our children receive is an indispensable effort; Well, even when one of the children demands more attention than the other, as parents we must be fair to all members of the family.

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