My Life Before I Was A Mother

My life before I became a mom may have been more comfortable. However, there is much I have gained since I brought life to this world. So I love being a mom!
My life before being a mom

My life before I was a mom was completely different. Neither better nor worse, just different. It is that without a doubt, motherhood changes our lives in a radical way. It modifies our days, teaches us about love and models us as human beings.

Before I Was a Mom: Sacrificial Pleasures

Before I was a mother, I had all the time in the world to extend my baths, take endless walks and trips that involved extreme adventure. I had full time availability when it came to meeting friends and was lucky enough to eat my hot lunches or dinners.

Before becoming a mother, I had the immense pleasure of sleeping whole nights and showing off my long manicured nails on every occasion. My house was always in order and schedules or routines were not so important in my life.

My single life was characterized precisely by a lack of concern about possible dangers from certain objects. He did not usually visit the hospital and the word vaccine was simply part of a memory that referred to a very distant past.

I was not saddened or anguished by the crying of children in public spaces, nor was I forced to clean lamps from different sources indoors. I did not know about sacrifices and efforts, even less that they are made in the name of love.

Before I was a mother: What I was missing


Before being a mother, I had never achieved happiness with a single presence. Even less had I filled my being with joy thanks to a simple look. He had never seen up close the innocence and tenderness of that longed-for childhood lost years ago.

I never imagined that such a small and defenseless being had the ability to turn my world upside down, and to affect it. He had never even conceived that a heart could break into a million pieces for not being able to stop infantile pain, no matter how small.

In fact, it would not have crossed my mind to come to love someone with such intensity and unconditionality. I never believed I could love with the strength of a mother: without measures, limits or conditions. Unbreakable, indestructible, beyond everything.

Before I was a mom, I didn’t know what it felt like to have my own heart outside of my body. Much less that the heartbeat originates from the smell of life on another soft skin. It would not have even crossed my mind to become such a special, necessary and indispensable being for another little person.

What I learned by becoming a mother

I learned a lot once you came to this crazy world. She had never thought about the power and strength of the mother-child bond they talked about so much. Thus I discovered the magic of that relationship woven by the narrowest and most unique blood threads.

It was like this that for the first time I felt vital, important and essential like never before. The world of a small piece of my being. And how special I could become just by feeding my little baby. Connect with your gaze, feel the miracle of life, discover the truth of the world in your eyes.

mom with high demand baby

I never imagined that a child could bring such warmth and sweetness into my life. I never thought that I would face such a wonderful and rewarding experience. Even at the expense of immeasurable effort and sacrifice, I understood that educating you from the heart was worth every second.

You taught me as much as I did you and above all you gave me the immense satisfaction of having passed through this world leaving an indelible mark. By raising that sweet balm of my being, I did nothing but honor life. I left my legacy inscribed in his heart.

For all this and for much more I understand that before being a mother I lived comfortably and happily but not intensely. I maintain that I do not regret what I left for all that I gained by bringing life to this world. I can’t imagine my days without that smile that adds color to the darkest days. I love being a mom!

Being a mother is a wonderful gift

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