Pilates And Pregnancy: An Excellent Combination

Pilates and pregnancy: an excellent combination

Performing Pilates in pregnancy is an excellent option, which brings countless benefits for both the baby and you. Learn more about this wonderful combination here.

As mothers we always want the best for our children and the best way to start doing it is right when they are forming within us.

As many of us know , exercise is excellent for the human body, because it improves health, reduces muscle aches, helps concentration, among other benefits.

The benefits of exercising do not stop occurring when a woman is pregnant; On the contrary, many times medical experts recommend exercise at this beautiful stage.

If you usually exercise, it will not be difficult for you to follow any sports routine once you are expecting a baby.

However, if this is not your case, the performance of any type of physical activity should be evaluated to avoid any complications.

It is proven that exercising while pregnant helps in the physical preparation of a natural birth, attenuates the pain caused in pregnancy and also contributes to the growth and proper development of the baby.

Similarly, many specialists and researchers have concluded that practicing Pilates during conception strengthens the pelvic floor.

How can Pilates help me in pregnancy?

Pilates 3

The Pilates method handles a series of movements and positions that help improve people’s strength, balance and coordination.

The movements focus on your abdomen, pelvic floor muscles, and back muscles. These are vital factors for good posture, balance, and strength.

When practicing Pilates, the movements that are performed help to strengthen various parts of the body without the need to strain other joints, making it a great exercise to perform when expecting a baby.

Some research suggests that doing this regularly can be just as effective as doing pelvic floor exercises.

On the other hand, it is important that you verify that your Pilates instructor has had experience training pregnant women, it is always important to choose a class that is directed only for mothers.

The main benefit of this method is that it targets the exact muscles and functions that can be a problem during pregnancy and after birth, in a safe way.

Do you want to try before signing up for a class?

If you have not done this before, there is no problem. Although it is good to consult the doctor before practicing it to know if we are physically fit to do it.

After your treating doctor gives you the go-ahead,  try these effective movements and see how good your stability or balance is:

  • Align your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keep your back flat. Try to do it next to a mirror, so you can check your position correctly.
  • Inhale, and then as you exhale, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles. At the same time, pull your belly button in and up.
  • Try to hold this for at least 10 seconds. Keep breathing normally during the contraction, and keep your back completely straight.
  • Relax your muscles slowly at the end of the exercise.
  • If you can do this easily, and repeat it 10 times, it means that the pelvic muscles are working well. Which means that you are more than ready to go to Pilates classes.

This exercise is safe to do at any stage of your pregnancy. Do not worry

What positions or movements should you be careful with?

The fact that you go to a professional who works with pregnant women is always recommended, but  if this is not your case you should be careful with the following positions:

  • Positions that involve lying on your abdomen or standing with all your weight on one leg.
  • Don’t stretch any joint to its full range, especially if you are in an unsupported position.
  • Never put your weight on your hands and knees, this could cause pain in both your wrists and other limbs.

It is vitally important that you advise yourself very well before starting any physical activity, so that over time you can notice real beneficial changes.

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