How To Say Goodbye To The Pacifier

Knowing how to identify the moment to leave the pacifier is not enough. It is important to know how to do it without affecting your child! We give you some recommendations below.
How to say goodbye to the pacifier

Saying goodbye to the pacifier is a subject that has many edges. Here we will give you some keys and methods for your child to leave it in the best possible way.

When we are moms we face some taboos about the pacifier .  The use of this represents relief for babies for what in some parts of the world they call it “the pacifier”. This unique element sometimes has negative effects: dependency, diseases, etc.

In motherhood there is a great debate on this issue; as some moms approve, while others believe that this element is unnecessary for their little ones.

Once the decision to remove the pacifier is made, it is difficult to determine an exact shape or time for the little ones to leave it permanently. Difficulties vary according to the child’s attachment level, age, and personality. There are very radical methods and others more progressive.

Choose the procedure according to your child and not on the advice or experience of the  the rest

Which strategy to choose?

Many moms share our personal experiences around this problem. The truth is that each experience is different and everything will depend on the way our son acts.

Understanding this, you should know that there are children more apprehensive than others. This is what will define your method of getting your baby to ditch the pacifier completely. In some cases, the ideal is to be progressive and in others, the most favorable is sharply.

So the first thing you should do is evaluate your  little one . Take a good look at how he acts when you take a toy from him  and analyze your answers well. Do you protest a lot or accept other techniques to calm down? Spend some time thinking about this.

Remove the pacifier at an early age


Some people think that the ideal is that children do not use the pacifier for a long time. This is quite logical, since activities that are done for longer periods of time are those that become habits.

The idea is to avoid dependency and trauma. You see, if your child uses the pacifier from the first months of birth and then you take it off before his birthday, he probably won’t even remember that he ever used it. As if nothing had happened!

Doing so will make it easy to find another effective distraction for your little one. But to It will depend on whether as a mother we have a preventive attitude regarding the pacifier.  Give it to him when he’s an infant and take it back quickly.

Remove it at once

Like all others, this method is not effective for all infants, but it is effective for a few. This occurs because there are children with whom progressive processes do not work . But what if the pacifier just isn’t there? Sometimes it turns out  very well!

Here are two ways to proceed. The first has to do with the fact that  one day you take away  the pacifier, having to assimilate the entire process of protest, crying and mourning that the unpopular measure will entail.

The other alternative is to tell her one fine day that the pacifier just got lost. Tell him the dog took him, fell in the bathroom, or left him lying somewhere himself. This will make the little one have to close the episode without blaming third parties.

Don’t take it off, convince him

Latex nipple for kid

If your child is a certain age and cannot put down this toy, then you should plan your strategy . The problem with older children is that they are used to this practice. The advantage: they understand things better.

When your son  is at least 3 years old, he begins to understand the  idioms  and messages that are given. So maybe a good way is to encourage the idea that the pacifier is no longer good for older children.

You can reinforce your explanations with videos, television shows, or bedtime stories. On the Internet there are children’s videos on the subject. Reading stories where the older children leave the pacifier will also be a great idea to convince them.

Sucking schedule

Progressive methods include setting a sucking schedule . This is good for children who are used to discipline from their mothers, because they will understand the new rule as part of a normal process.

Everything consists of limiting  little by little the use of this element. You can use it first during the hours of rest and then before going to sleep at night. Later, you can give it to him for a limited time.

None of the  aforementioned strategies is the best or the worst . They are simply different procedures that obey the mentality of our spoiled ones. Each head is a world and your task as a mom is to find the least painful option for your spoiled.

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