5 Homemade Children’s Games With Paper And Cardboard

While there is always a tendency to buy new and attractive products, homemade toys can bring many benefits. Discover here some very fun ones for the little ones in the house.
5 Homemade children's games with paper and cardboard

Homemade children’s games with paper and cardboard have always been the most accessible, simple and economical options to guarantee the entertainment of our children. There are many ideal alternatives to get out of the monotony and forget for a moment about visiting social networks or playing on the PlayStation console.

In those moments of terrible boredom, where neither parents nor children can find what to do to entertain themselves, it is recommended to turn back the biological clock and relive those moments when creativity was essential when having fun.

Homemade children’s games with paper and cardboard


Who would have thought that paper and cardboard could be so useful for fun? Well, it turns out that they are, because in addition to being cheap, simple and easy to use, they could also be able to get anyone out of a jam.

That is why some interesting ideas are listed below so that both parents and their children can have a good time:

1. Helicopters

A flying object never goes out of style and is super entertaining for kids. Converting a piece of paper into a small helicopter is simple and it also guarantees the smile of a little one.

Very simple to do, only the following implements are required:

  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Cork from a bottle
  • Paints
  • Pair of scissors

Procedure to build our helicopter:

  • On a sheet of paper we can draw the details that we want to see in our ship, or we can also print something on the computer.
  • The next thing is to make a few small diagonal cuts in each corner of the sheet.
  • Then we join each corner in the center and glue.

Finally, we glue the bottle cork to the bottom of our blades, to serve as the helicopter cabin.

2. Giant balls with paper plates

The ball is one of the main elements that we identify as potential toys. However, even though every child should have at least one ball to play with, the value of this game is that we are going to build it together.

To create a large ball of paper, we need the following materials:

  • 20 paper plates
  • A stapler

Procedure to build a paper ball:

  • The first thing we are going to do is fold each plate making sure that the edges go inwards, the purpose is to form a kind of triangle.
  • Once all the plates have this shape, we proceed to staple the plates by the flaps, one with the other; to cause some tips to face up and others to face down.
  • After having joined ten plates, we turn this large strip into a ring ; to fix it, we staple one end to the other.
  • The next thing is to build two domes of five plates each, what we will do is join each plate ensuring that the vertex of each triangle coincides. We repeat the procedure to create a new dome made up of five plates.
  • When we have the domes ready, we join them to the ring that we have ready, by means of the stapler and thus we will form our first ball of paper.

    3. The Catapult

    Although the catapult is not always related to a children’s toy, we must admit that using a small and harmless version of this device, we can get a lot of fun.

    Remember, that if you are going to use the catapult indoors, you must take care not to break some objects, windows and of course not to hit anyone.

    To make a homemade catapult, with school supplies, we are going to consider this list of materials:

    • A wooden pencil
    • Adhesive
    • Paperboard
    • Wooden chopsticks
    • Elastic rubber

    Procedure to build a cardboard catapult:

    • With our cardboard, we are going to build a small basket, which is going to become a catapult. We attach this basket to the end of our wooden pencil.
    • After having manufactured this device, we proceed to make a cardboard box, which is proportional to the size of the catapult.
    • At each end of the box we are going to make a hole, through which we will pass the elastic band, which we will fix with toothpicks tied to its ends.
      • Finally, we attach the pencil to the elastic band, which will provide us with the power to take off. Remember that the more you screw the pencil, the more power there will be in the launch.

      4. The Plane


      It is one of the best-known paper toys, the easiest to make and, of course, the most popular flying object among children.

      There are different versions of the plane, but they are all very convenient when we want to entertain children in this way.

      We are going to build this model airplane with the following materials:

      • Paper
      • Cardboard
      • Elastic rubber

      Procedure to build a paper airplane:

      The first thing we are going to do is evoke our childhood and recreate a paper airplane as we know how to do it. Then we are going to draw the details that we want to see on that plane when it flies.

      • To get a resistant plane, we are going to reinforce its lower part using the cardboard.
      • Once we have completed this step, we make a hole that goes through both layers and through this we pass our elastic band.

      To help fly our plane, we must use a pencil or a rod to give force to the elastic band that will propel it through the skies.

      5. Blow balls

      It may not sound very common to us, but this device can actually be quite an entertaining toy.

      The mission of building the ball blower is for our children to enjoy hours of entertainment.

      The required implements are:

      • A straw or straw
      • Glue
      • Paper
      • Pair of scissors


      • We proceed to cut a circle in the paper, to which we then make a cut to the center. The idea is to overlap each end and turn the circle into a cone.
      • We place our straw or straw on the tip of our cone, which we are going to fix with glue.
      • Ready the device, we introduce a paper ball into the cone and blow it through the straw, it is ready to play!

        These simple games, with a little creativity, could be used to spend a pleasant time with your children, only a few implements are enough and dedicate time to as much fun as possible, so that it can be shown that a computer, Tablet or Smartphone is not necessary for fun.

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