Educating From Experience, Keys For Parents

Educating from experience means accompanying children to discover the world and to be able to interpret it with the support of our example.
Educating from experience, keys for parents

Education is a wonderful and uninterrupted process of the human being. It begins when the baby is born and does not end until the end of life. During childhood it is a challenge for parents, since there are no perfect formulas on how to transmit the necessary knowledge to face the world.

There are many styles and models to educate a child. Educating from experience is one of the most sensitive, since it aims to transmit knowledge without imposing it or presenting it objectively. Thus, it is not a mere process of transferring knowledge (traditional education) but rather of accompanying children to discover their world and to interpret it little by little. Understand its keys, its potentialities and also its limitations.

Accepting children means increasing your self-esteem

Building confidence and self-esteem helps to create independent and autonomous people. To build self-esteem, the child must feel unconditionally accepted. Parental love cannot depend on achievement or pride of parents. Nor can it depend on obedience, much less submission.

Understanding that children are not perfect and that they are loved with their defects generates confidence and self-esteem in them. Also, this gives them realistic perspectives on life.

The best way to educate is to lead by example.

Know to educate

Every human being is unique. Therefore, parents must understand the particularities of each child. Each child goes through different processes during their development.

In addition, through dialogue the concerns of the children, their interests and even their fears are known. This happens not only through words, but also through gestures and body language. Parents’ mission is to be observant and learn to “read” to their children.

Rules and discipline

Children require a correct assessment of their behavior.  But flexibility must be accompanied by rules. Many parents tend to relax the rules because of the guilt derived from inattention, for example. However, compliance with the rules must be carried out independently of the needs of each family.

When it comes to educating from experience, it is understood that guilt must be replaced by responsibility. Guilt generates children who are shy, self-absorbed and also more likely to lie.

From an education that promotes responsibility, the child is “trained” to take, little by little, the threads of his life. It is advisable to establish well-defined and practical standards of conduct for the child’s age. Then associate consequences with certain actions.

Educating from experience is giving children the opportunity to grow independently.

How to educate from experience?

Successful experiences have a huge impact on children’s education. Positive encouragement for doing an activity in the right way encourages children to continue in that way. However, you should highlight the positive and manage, with criteria, the way to correct something when it does not go quite right.

On the other hand, parents must understand that they have children and not infallible machines. Things don’t always turn out the way you expect. At that moment an opportunity arises to learn and teach the value of perseverance.

The example

What is said has much more effect if it is accompanied by what is done. Children repeat the behaviors of their parents. It doesn’t matter if they are good or bad. This is enough to know that what you want children to do is achieved by setting an example.

Educating from experience implies fostering communication and exercising patience. Being attentive to the emergence of a pattern of insecurity is part of the daily work of parents and teachers. One way to set an example is to let go of stress or excessive demands and do things with and from love.

Tips for parents to raise independent and responsible children

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