The Importance Of New Year’s Resolutions For Children

Did you know that it is advisable to encourage children to write their New Year’s resolutions? Next, we explain why.
The importance of New Year's resolutions for children

In the days leading up to the end of the year, many people decide to make a list of New Year’s resolutions. This should not be a practice only for adults, but children should also join it, so that the little ones in the house get used to reflecting on their goals, their motivations and their dreams, in short, on everything they can do to improve their lives.

Keep in mind that if children are involved in this exercise, they need to be taken very seriously. As mothers and fathers, they must be encouraged and supported throughout the year, so that they achieve the stated purposes.

Child thinking about New Years resolutions.

Aspects to keep in mind before considering your New Year’s resolutions

So that children (and adults) do not get discouraged and achieve what they propose for the new year, it is necessary that these purposes meet a series of characteristics, thus, they must have the following characteristics:

  • Be realistic. It is not about fantasizing about what can be achieved, but about thinking with a certain objectivity. To meet this requirement, children usually need the help of an adult, since in childhood they tend to be more idealistic.
  • To be few. A reduced and limited list of purposes should be created, specifying only those that can truly be fulfilled in 365 days. In this way, it is easier to be consistent and stay motivated.
  • Be adjusted to the age of the children. When thinking about and writing the New Year’s resolutions, it is essential to take into account the level of maturational development of the little ones, being aware of what they are capable of doing on their own and what they are not.

    Some purposes that children can consider

    Some of the purposes that, in general, children can consider are the following:

    • Pick up the toys, with the intention of being more orderly.
    • Do more alone, to gain autonomy and independence.
    • Help more at home, to promote the development of responsibility.
    • Dedicate a little time each day to study, to improve academic performance.

    Likewise, you can also propose resolutions as a family to fulfill all together throughout the year. In this sense, some good ideas are

    • Fairly distribute household chores.
    • Make more plans as a family.
    • Spend more time on family communication.
    • Play more time together.

    The importance of New Year’s resolutions for children

    Although at first it may not seem like it, the truth is that encouraging and helping children to write and fulfill their New Year’s resolutions is very beneficial for their proper development. Thanks to this wonderful custom, the little ones:

    • They improve their self-esteem and self- concept.
    • They increase their self-confidence.
    • They learn the value of perseverance and perseverance.
    • They learn to be patient.
    • They get to be more responsible.
    • They learn that every effort has its reward.
      Writing New Years Resolutions.

    In addition, if it is considered as a family activity, it is also possible to strengthen the ties and bonds between the different members, since it takes a lot of confidence to share the wishes and dreams for the next year and express them with words with total freedom before others.

    In line with this, the following phrase by the American doctor Glenn Doman should be noted:

    Well, take pencils and papers, gather your family around a table and enjoy making New Year’s resolutions with them. This, in addition to being fun, will be very educational and enriching for everyone. And remember that  the important thing is not to write the purposes, but to do everything possible to fulfill them.

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