Signs That Your Child Is A Victim Of Bullying

Signs that your child is a victim of bullying

In this article you will find the necessary tools to detect the first signs that your child is a victim of bullying. You will also learn to help and support your little one to overcome this type of psychological and physical abuse that has become common today in some educational institutions.

Bullying is a continuous emotional, psychological, verbal and physical abuse that manifests itself through aggression, hitting, pushing, threats, exclusion or other violent behaviors that may be affecting your child. However, there are signs that you can detect in time to control the situation.

If bullying is not detected in time, it can trigger serious problems in the child’s self-esteem, such as: poor academic performance, high levels of anxiety and depression that cause great damage to the child’s psychological health.

Having the necessary knowledge to detect when our child is in a probable situation of bullying is vital to be able to help him, since it is not a simple rivalry between children, but rather it is facing a type of violence that is harmful in this delicate stage of their growth

The first symptoms of bullying can be evidenced by changes in your little one’s attitude, since in general, his behavior at home and in other areas of his life are completely altered.

How to detect that your child is a victim of bullying?

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Sometimes the day-to-day and the responsibility of taking control of the home and family means that parents do not get involved in the lives of their children, so they do not perceive changes in their behavior and moods in time. However, here are the first signs to help you diagnose that something is wrong with your little one:

  • Changes in behavior If he is usually calm but overnight you notice that he has a different behavior such as irritable, quiet or sad, it is clear that he could be going through an event of this type.
  • Low performance. If you refuse to go to school and start to get poor grades, it is one of the likely signs that you could be a victim of bullying at your school.
  • Difficulty falling asleep. Something that you cannot ignore in your child’s behavior are changes in the sleep routine, since if they feel disturbed or threatened, their sleep cycles are likely to be altered, observing nightmares and night terrors.
  • Skip or change information. Children who are victims of bullying often lie to their parents about their day-to-day experience at school, since when they are bullied and abused they feel ashamed and unable to express their feelings freely and confidently to their parents.

    Support and help your little one to overcome school abuse

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    Detecting the first signs that your child is a victim of bullying is the first step to overcome bullying, although it is not an easy task, you can achieve it by understanding it and showing all your love for him.

    If you have detected a signal, the first thing you should do is communicate in a loving way so that he can trust you and let him know that there is nothing to fear, because you are there to protect and love him above all things. To promote a conversation it is ideal that they are together in a quiet place without anyone interrupting them.

    It is vital to go to school in a timely manner and speak with the teachers to communicate what is happening  in order to act as quickly as possible and prevent any act of abuse towards your little one or another child in the classroom.

    Your little one and any other child can be a victim of bullying. Detecting it early and helping your child overcome the eventuality will prevent him from having low self-esteem in his adult life and little ability to relate to other people.

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