What To Expect From Your 2-year-old Son

If you have a 2-year-old, don’t miss out on what to expect for this stage. You will love and despair in equal measure!
What to expect from your 2-year-old

The 2 years of a small child are a sweetness because they are full of first times; they begin to be children and stop being babies. In addition, they also begin to show their personality and the tantrums are on the rise. It’s a great adventure and it’s good that you know what to expect from your 2-year-old.

There’s a lot to look forward to as your child grows older, so if you’re wondering when your child will start to walk, talk, or do other things, we’ll tell you about it below. Although, before we start, we want to remind you that each child has their own evolutionary rhythm, so if it takes longer than others, but it is within their rhythm, everything is fine.

Your baby’s first steps

In the second year of your child’s life, he should have already taken his first steps. Although, for others, it happens at the beginning of the second year and is fine. This is when your child begins to walk unaided, with wobbly steps at first.

Most children begin to walk between 9 and 18 months (the average age is between 14 and 15 months). Once they start walking, the adventure will get more tiring! But it will be worth it, as these are very exciting moments.

2-year-old boy with the bicycle lying on the ground.

To run with 2 years!

When a 2-year-old has mastered the art of walking, he will begin to run and explore his world. After about six months since he started walking, he will start running, and you will be behind him! You wonder if it is really normal that you cannot always keep up with him, but it is that he has a lot of accumulated energy in that small body.


If your child already walks and runs, he is now quite an explorer and as long as he realizes that he is able to go up, down and climb, he will. He is quite an adventurer and loves knowing that he is capable of it.

Your little explorer will start climbing furniture and stairs, so vigilance must be constant. If you have noticed that it climbs the bars of the crib, it is time to remove them.

I play with ball!

Kicking a ball is a huge milestone for both boys and girls. To do this, it takes coordination and connection to know that the ball, when kicked, will roll or bounce. When the little ones discover that the balls bounce, they will also want to do the same with the toys or the food, that is, they will want to know what happens if they throw all that on the ground.

The lines begin at 2 years

At this age, children begin to be Picasso and will begin to paint the whole house. You will have to allow them to explore this artistic and creative facet, but you have to make it clear to them where they can and cannot do it. In case you do not explain where is the place to doodle, you will find the walls and the floor painted with all their art.

Your child’s first scribbles will be priceless for you. During the second year, children gain more control over the small muscles in their hands and fingers. These fine motor skills help young children doodle with color.

Eat with a spoon

At this stage of 2 years, as happens when the first strokes begin because they begin to have more strength in their hands, they will also be able to eat with a spoon little by little. At first it can be a bit of a disaster and, surely, they will stain everything, but you need patience because it is part of the learning process.

Symbolic game

Your child’s 2-year-old imagination is coming to life. Between 18 and 24 months, a child’s brain is ready to begin fantasy play. You can see him “feeding” a teddy bear or talking on a toy phone.

2 year old boy eating with a spoon by himself.

Enjoy his sense of magic because, without a doubt, he is wonderful. And if he gives you “to eat” or to “talk to Grandma”, play along. It is a precious phase that you should not miss.

Talk and talk at 2 years!

Until now, your child was just babbling, but it will be around 15 to 18 months when you start to hear some words that are understood very well. From 24 months, you can begin to put two words together to make small phrases, such as “play ball”, “no more”, “it’s mine”, “mom let’s go” , etc.

Playing with friends

At this age, young children like to play with friends and enjoy interacting with other children. At the end of the second year,  p ou can not be ready to share their toys when they play, but it’s a big step in its nascent social life.

Having a 2-year-old is quite an adventure

As you have seen, at 2 years of age, children begin to be small earthquakes because their motor development is at full capacity. But what is more rewarding for a mother than to watch her child grow up in such a healthy and vivacious way?

The terrible two years

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