Millium Facial Of The Newborn

Milium facial in the newborn is usually a common condition that generally does not cause any complications.
Newborn facial millium

Facial millium is a skin condition whose main characteristic is the presence of small white pimples or cysts that affect the newborn. . It is considerably common, in fact, 40% of babies develop these little pimples that contain keratinous material .

Newborn facial millium

What is it?

Newborn facial milia or millium are a group of pearly white or yellowish rashes that are 1 to 2 mm in diameter and commonly appear on the face. Specifically, e This condition occurs on the baby’s cheeks, forehead, and chin, as well as inside the mouth. 

Thus, the facial millium is presented as small epithelial cysts that  they are filled with a keratinous substance. To the s squeezed, a material is obtained that resembles small white pearls, which are formed by remains of keratinocytes. It should be noted that to determine the presence of millium, no diagnostic test is necessary.


What causes it? 

The millium facial is generated in the moment in which the dead skin cells of the epidermis get trapped in the small cavities on the surface of the baby’s skin,  causing the small pearly white spot on the skin.  It is common that the presence of these cheekbones can be confused with acne in the baby, although, however, they are totally different conditions. 

What are its effects?

The newborn’s facial millium  It does not generate effects on the child, it does not feel any discomfort or there is presence of pain of any kind. These outbreaks do not cause fever, itching, or any other type of complication, and do not require medical treatment. 

Do they have any risk in the newborn?

The first thing to keep in mind is that milium cysts are benign.   In very rare situations they can be associated with some skin diseases such as Bazex-Dupre-Christol syndrome, Rhombus syndrome or Gardner syndrome.


Treatment of milium facial in the newborn

It is of great importance to consider that the newborn’s skin is very delicate and should be treated with proper care to avoid the reproduction of germs that can cause major conditions. These are some considerations that you should take into account:

  • Do not rub or try to remove the pimples  because it could damage the skin and leave marks.
  • It is advisable to clean the affected area with special soap for newborns.
  • When its appearance occurs when the child is older or develops in more sensitive areas, such as the mouth or eyes.  it may take up to four months to disappear.
  • If after three months this condition does not remit, it is advisable to go to the pediatrician to examine the child.

Although most cases will not require any specific treatment,  a medical evaluation is essential. This way a good diagnosis can be established  that allows parents to be reassured by avoiding the implementation of some unnecessary treatments that may be counterproductive for the child.

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