The Long Road To Family Reconciliation

Although family conciliation is a right for both adults and children, there are still many aspects to improve.
The long road to family conciliation

Working and being able to have an active family life is not always easy. And it is that there is still a long way to go when it comes to family conciliation. Let’s take a brief look at the current circumstances, and where this complex but important issue is headed.

Is family conciliation possible?

Although family conciliation is a right for both adults and children, there is much room for improvement in this regard. There are people who work telecommuting or have flexibility in their working hours. But the truth is that in most cases, this is not the case.

If we ask ourselves what can be done, the truth is that it is seen that there is still much to be done. One of the solutions would be the distribution of hours, but this is not easily achievable. Parents usually spend a good part of the day away from home. And that, for their part, the children eat breakfast, eat and have a snack at school or spend time in extracurricular activities. A situation that means that when you get home there is hardly time for anything.

Positive education benefits the whole family.

Many parents do not have more time to offer their children. Nor to cover emotional and social needs. But it is necessary to be aware of the negative consequences that this can bring. And it is that these consequences could not only be noticed in the domestic sphere, but also in the development of children.

We must be aware that children need to spend time with their family. So they can grow in a healthy and happy environment. It is proven that if they have a strong and healthy relationship with their parents, they are happier. It is essential for the development of the child that he has stable references in his life.

What can we do

When asked what we can do, the truth is that if we do not have the means or enough time to spend with our children, there will not be a constant interaction that is capable of guaranteeing the well-being of our children. For this reason, there are a series of aspects that could be outlined as a possible solution.

1.- Permissions

The first of these would be to make use of longer maternity and paternity leave. Many countries in the rest of Europe already contemplate this aspect.

2.- Advantages of teleworking

Along the same lines is the possibility of working under the teleworking modality. In addition to having some flexibility of hours at work.

It is important to conceive that family and work conciliation has to be seen as something necessary. Therefore, governments must see it as a tool to protect families. Especially for children, a real investment for society as a whole.

Entrepreneurial mothers face the biggest challenges.

There is a long way to go

It is essential to promote a series of measures designed for family conciliation. In this way, families would become the true protagonists of their children’s education. Something that is essential especially in the first years of life.

Among these measures, there would also be the establishment of certain public aid for parents. Among these grants would be important subsidies in nurseries or support centers for families, among others.

In any case, while these aids and measures arrive, if they do arrive, you need to take extra time. To do this, you will have to know how to discern between what is essential and what is not. That is, see what your priority tasks are, the ones that you must do on a mandatory basis.

On the other hand, we find unnecessary tasks that, in addition to not having to do them, pose a complication. These tasks should in no case be carried out.

Do not forget that you can delegate certain tasks so that reconciling your professional and personal life is somewhat easier for you. And it is that asking, helping and delegating is a great step. On many occasions we want to cover everything, but that is impossible. Asking for help will be a relief because you will have that precious time for your family and for yourself. In addition, this will help you eliminate a certain feeling of guilt and fill you with happiness, which will allow you to reduce stress and your anxiety levels.

The best gift for your children is your time

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