Sometimes A Mother’s Love Is The Best Cure

Sometimes a mother's love is the best cure

When a child is sick, much of his recovery will depend on the attention, care and pampering that we can provide. As mothers, we must know how to balance the physical aspect with the psycho-emotional aspect. In other words, a mother’s affection is the best cure for a young child.

Surely you remember a time in your childhood when you were ill. What do you remember exactly? In general, we usually remember that person who was there for us, more than the vicissitudes of the symptoms. Thus, looking back, we realize the impressions, traces of those displays of affection that helped us to recover.

The best cure, love

Par excellence, human beings function based on our emotions and feelings. Since our intangible world is even more complex than the physical one, it is often necessary to move on strategic planes to achieve this or that.

In other words, our emotional world determines much of our lives. In fact, it is proven that love and affection give us both the stability and well-being that we need so much on a daily basis. We constantly demand attention, in one form or another, and once we receive it, we notice its effects both on a psychological level and on our physical health.

When a child falls and hurts himself, the first thing he does is cry for comfort and assistance. So the first thing we do is take the child into our arms and try to help him quickly.

In the first instance, we urgently attend to the physical aspect (an injury, a blow, etc.) and once we consider that the situation is “under control” unconsciously, we seek to comfort him, to provide him with affection so that he feels safe and regains his calm. This responds to one of the most primitive aspects of the human being: protecting the little one to preserve the species.

The best cure is one that:

  1. Soothes physically and mentally.
  2. Provide calm. Helps relieve fright.
  3. It conveys security. (Protects)
  4. Seek comfort.
  5. Accompany.

What can you do as a mother?

It is imperative not to despair, not go into crisis or succumb to panic. While it can be really difficult in some situations to stay calm, when a child gets hurt, what they need is for us to act quickly and be there to protect them and provide as much support as possible.

A soothing word or phrase will convey the calm that the little one needs. Our tone of voice must try to be as serene as possible to be able to create an environment of peace and security. Another fundamental element is the caresses that are fundamental to calm down and induce calm.

Things to avoid

A mother's love is the best cure when we stumble.

Many parents panic and take an attitude of alarm. They are very exaggerated, they cover their mouths, they put on expressions of fright, they scream and cry, and far from calming the child and helping him, in reality they are only feeding more his feeling of vulnerability, pain and absolute insecurity.

Both alarm and total indifference are things that we must avoid for the sake of the little ones. Indifference does not allow the child to inquire about his pain, much less feel loved and protected. Many parents choose to take a cold, distant and indifferent attitude when their children (especially the youngest ones, burst into tears) and believe that leaving them will make them stronger and that they will nurture their independence. But quite the opposite.

Pain takes on identity from the perception and expression of the parents. It is very important to have a good attitude in the face of a circumstance of pain, accident or the like to instill in our children the necessary capacity to face the situation with the least possible trauma. With which we avoid harmful consequences in the future.

Other types of cures

Different investigations have proven that affect positively affects patients and individuals in general. In a study whose sample was a group of hospital patients, whose ages ranged from 12 months to 12 years of age, the affective care they were given helped them improve their health status by more than 45% .

In fact, the great success of the so-called “hospital clowns” lies in the excellent reception they have from the little patients and, of course, the achievements obtained thanks to their care. By improving the mood of patients, hospital clowns facilitate the recovery process.

Doctor Yaso is a non-profit Venezuelan civil association whose objective is to alleviate human suffering to hospitalized children, regardless of their condition.

Another type of cure is children's hospital clowns.

Initiatives such as those of Doctor Yaso, allow children to feel better when they are hospitalized, since they provide them with a time of laughter and fun that includes a good dose of affection, attention and above all, availability to provide a time of quality to help you heal.

When parents and / or relatives need a respite from having to take care of a little one, the best option is a hospital clown. BEWARE, it is not necessary for the child to be hospitalized to receive this type of care, in fact, many groups of clowns offer to do home entertainment sessions.

Love and affection are the magic ingredients to erase all annoyance. It reminds us that everything happens. A gesture, a phrase, a look, a caress, a kiss or a hug help as much or more than a drug. The key is knowing how to balance both aspects. The best cure is a humane, close, affectionate and sweet treatment, be it from mom, family, friends, partner or simply that person who decides to be there.

Maternal love, choose to be happy

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