Sweet Recipes For The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

In the third trimester, the end of pregnancy is near. The future mother must continue to eat well, and for this there are some delicious sweet recipes that are healthy at the same time.
Sweet recipes for the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is a special time. At that point in the pregnancy, the future mother has already gained a lot of weight and presents a certain fatigue as a result of the great effort that the body makes.

Labor is approaching and therefore it is important to also stay active and take care of your diet, which may include some sweet recipes for the third trimester.

The woman’s body during the third trimester

Upon reaching this stage of pregnancy, the woman must face some discomforts mainly related to the volume of her belly. The uterus will have grown so large that it will press on other organs, possibly causing heartburn and shortness of breath.

These changes in turn will cause it to become increasingly difficult to sleep at night, increasing feelings of fatigue. The body also tends to retain fluids, so the feet will swell easily.


The nutritional needs during the third trimester of pregnancy are similar to those of the second: a greater consumption of calories is necessary (approximately 350 more per day).

However, a balance must be found to avoid excessive weight gain that would be harmful to the mother and the baby and could complicate the timing of delivery.

The future mother will have to eat a complete diet, with a sufficient caloric intake to face this stage, but will have to avoid foods that contain large amounts of fat or sugar. These can put your health at risk, according to research published in the Journal of Hepatology.

You should consume at least two servings a day of foods that contain protein and omega 3 fatty acids, which are responsible for the formation of muscles and tissues, mainly fish, meat and eggs.

Fats have been shown to be essential at this stage as well to ensure good breastfeeding. The best ones will undoubtedly be found in nuts. Carbohydrates should be the basis of the diet (pasta, rice, bread, potatoes) and dairy products should be included at least 4 times a day.

Eating nuts is a great way to prevent anemia in pregnancy.

Sweet recipes for the third trimester

In these last weeks, although sugar is not the most recommended food for pregnant women, it is not totally prohibited unless there is a health problem that determines it, such as gestational diabetes.

Sweet foods can help control your anxiety about the upcoming labor and make it as pleasant a time as possible, despite all the discomfort. However, it is necessary to have a lot of control so as not to fall into excesses that would be very harmful.

Ideally, find the best sweet recipes for the third trimester of pregnancy that allow you to combine the desire to eat sugar with the nutritional needs of this period.

For example, to combat discomfort such as heartburn and reflux, you should eat several small and light portions spread throughout the day. For that there are some sweet foods that are perfect to be consumed as snacks.

Fruits, dairy and nuts are undoubtedly the best sweet allies during this stage. Pineapple, for example, is a natural diuretic that will help eliminate fluids. Banana and nuts will provide magnesium to avoid cramps. Dairy products, meanwhile, will provide the much-needed calcium in this period.

All combinations are allowed: yogurt with apple and walnuts (or almonds), banana smoothie with milk, liquid yogurt smoothies with kiwi, melon or peach, strawberry or passion fruit mousse, fruit salad, etc.

Sweet Recipe: Blueberry Banana Muffins

We are going to present you a sweet recipe that will satisfy your wishes and will be very appetizing.


  • 300 g of rye flour.
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • A yeast’s packet.
  • 1 whole egg.
  • 2 bananas, preferably ripe.
  • 1 yogurt of the Greek type.
  • Honey and cinnamon to taste.


  • The first thing to do is preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Then, in a bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, yeast and cinnamon. In another mix the mashed bananas, beaten egg, yogurt and honey.
  • Next, join the two mixtures, beating until obtaining a homogeneous mass. Little by little add the milk and the blueberries.
  • Place in the oven for a period of 20 minutes, and let it cool. An ideal dessert for the future mother’s snack.
    Blueberry Banana Muffins are one of the best sweet recipe options for the third trimester of pregnancy.

    Apple cinnamon compote

    Applesauce is a classic in baking. It has the advantage of providing a large amount of micronutrients and antioxidants.


    • 4 green apples.
    • ½ cinnamon stick or a little ground cinnamon.
    • ½ onion.
    • Water, salt and pepper.


    • The first step is to peel the apples, chop them and put them in a pot together with the split onion, water, salt and pepper.
    • When the cooking water is hot, add the cinnamon stick. The apple should be soft, that it can be crushed with the same stirring spoon.
    • At the end, grind and that’s it. It is an excellent garnish for meats.

      Prepare sweet recipes during the third trimester of pregnancy.

      Do not miss out on trying these delicious sweet recipes for the third trimester of pregnancy. However, check with your doctor first to make sure you can introduce them into your diet without causing complications. In the case of suffering from gestational diabetes, they are not the most indicated option.

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