5 Myths About The Causes Of Autism

Until now the cause of autism is not exactly known. We will explain in this article the main myths about this condition.
5 myths about the causes of autism

Autism is a disorder characterized by three basic deficits: verbal, communicative and affective. It is accompanied by obsessive behaviors that persist throughout life. The causes of autism are not very clear, but the myths about it are very varied.

In ancient times it was considered a rare disorder, which is why many times those who suffered from it were called sick. Nowadays its incidence has increased considerably, which has given rise to many myths. To explain the possible causes of this disorder, a series of speculations have arisen that have been dismantled by science.

In addition to trying to explain the supposed reasons for the appearance of the disorder, they also assume characteristics that are not true. For example, autistic children have been said to be gifted, mentally retarded, or caused by the flu vaccine.

Could not be farther from the truth. This problem does not pass over time, nor is it due to a particular form of parenting. Although there are many gaps in the explanation of autism, speculation has succumbed on the scientific level.

What are the myths about autism?

As we have said, scientifically many doubts about this condition have been clarified. From now on, we will highlight the main myths and their clarification according to the experts.

Myth 1: People with autism are unable to feel affection.

People with autism feel the same as a person without this condition, they laugh, cry, get angry, caress, kiss, want to play. Many times, due to their different way of thinking and sensory problems, they have a little trouble expressing their emotions. However, their inability to express themselves does not prevent them from feeling emotions.

Myth 2: Autism is due to childhood vaccination


Between 2000 and 2001,   data were obtained that do not support the link between vaccination and autism. Three reviews were carried out by some experts in the field. They uniquely concluded that the available data deny such a claim. A large study in 2002 also found no association with this disorder.

Myth 3: Autism is a consequence of lack of affection

Some theories have tried to link parental lack of affection with the development of the disorder. It was believed that in homes where children did not receive love, a case of autism could be triggered. In this sense, it was seen as a trauma in the child, for which many parents were accused of provoking it.

Every child needs their parents, since they are very helpful on a day-to-day basis with their love, understanding, perseverance and family stability. However, it has not been shown that affective deficiency can cause this condition.

Myth 4: They are aggressive kids who end up making themselves sick.

People with this disorder sometimes become frustrated because they try to stick to a routine in which they can feel more secure. They need more help than other children, a lot of understanding, and therapy to guide them through their growth. This type of disorder is very different from hyperactivity or other related ones.

In this sense, defining them as aggressive children who provoke this condition in themselves is highly exaggerated. In the event that challenging behaviors appear, they are controllable and disappear with adequate intervention.


Myth 5: There is no genetic cause of autism.

Nowadays, the fact that genetic factors play a very important role is becoming more and more important. Keep in mind that autism can be hereditary.

Studies have shown that in the case of twins in the same bag, there is a high possibility that one has autism if the other has it. There is at least a 90% chance that this will happen according to science. In addition, there is a 20% more chance of having a second child with autism than in families where the disorder does not exist.

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