The Moment When Your Baby Falls To The Ground For The First Time

The moment your baby falls to the ground for the first time

The baby falls to the ground and you want that moment, before he reaches the ground, to stay frozen in time. Just as if it were a film that you can pause and rewind a thousand times, you wish that that moment of witnessing the fall of your child never comes.

But of course, since it is a fantasy, by then you are condemned to see how your little one’s body touches the ground while your world becomes cloudy.

Baby on the ground! Ways to prevent this from happening

There is no way to avoid a fall for a 1-year-old who is learning to walk, nor for one who is running, climbing, or doing pirouettes. But there are thousands of ways to avoid the falls of a baby who is barely moving in mother’s arms.

Everything is that we take them into account.

Never leave him alone on the bed

Nobody wants a child to fall to the ground; Despite this, most infant falls are caused by preventable accidents.

One of the main causes of falling babies is leaving them alone on the bed.

Many mothers put their children on their beds to put their clothes on, change the diaper, dress the crib with a clean sheet … in these tasks they do not always have everything they need at hand and they separate for a moment from the baby waiting on the mattress .

As the child does not know how to turn and hardly moves, the mother does not consider the fact that at any moment he can go to the ground. However, the baby surprises her and looking for herself, or trying to see something that has caught her attention, she takes a “magical” turn and turns. By then, it is useless for the mother to get scared and run to him. The child is going to hit the ground.

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Mom, if you want to prevent your child from hitting the floor, never leave him alone on your bed.

Make your bathroom safe

Bath time is another of the moments that most cause falls in babies. Those tiny little bodies that slip into your hands, soapy and always on the move, are a real “danger”.

For this reason, the moment of the bath, because of how risky it is in terms of falls, must be as safe as possible.

Long ago, when bathrooms did not exist, babies bathed on top of beds. Although with so many advances today it can be quite an outdated method, it is still one of the safest.

With a nylon on the bed to prevent the mattress from getting wet, the bathtub on top of it, a container with warm water, a jug to catch the water and the baby’s bath gel, any mother can avoid that if, by chance your child slips out of your hands, hit the ground.

While you hold him in your arms, you should focus on him

Lastly, there is a tendency to do various tasks while holding the baby in your arms; although of course, more than the trend, it is the need.

The mothers of this time stopped being the housewives that they were before and the 24 hours a day are not enough for them to complete the housework, personal needs, rest, and care for the baby.

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When you have to do while carrying your child in your arms, do not forget to be attentive to him. Nothing is more important.

How to act when a baby falls?

If for one reason or another your young child falls to the ground, you should know how to act. Finally, we advise you:

  • Check it out. If a cut is made and blood begins to leak, clean the wound with gauze, press it down, and take it to the ER. If a bump rises, put ice on it to lower the abscess
  • Kiss him, give him caresses, sing to him … when you feel bad, fall or something hurts, you improve if someone takes care of you and at least puts a hand on your shoulder. The same thing happens to your son
  • Charge it right away but don’t shake it. If he has an injury, you can hurt him more by shaking him
  • Watch it. When someone gets sick and goes to the doctor, doctors always recommend observation of the patient and it is not for pleasure. If in the fall your baby hit his head and suffered a head injury, he will have later symptoms that will reveal this injury: vomiting, loss of consciousness, seizures, nosebleeds, among others. When you notice any of them, take it immediately to your pediatrician.
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