When To Start Leaving The House With The Baby?

Breathing fresh air and enjoying the outdoors is always good. However, many parents often wonder when it is appropriate to take their baby for a little walk. We tell you all the details about this frequent uncertainty.
When to start leaving the house with the baby?

Once the little one arrives, the mothers are dying to enjoy beautiful afternoons out together. Also, it is always nice to go out to visit grandparents, uncles or friends with the new family member. At that time, a frequent question is when to start leaving the house with the baby.

The immune system of babies is still developing. For this reason, and especially in the first weeks of life, they may be more exposed to harmful microorganisms that inhabit the outside world.

Aware of this lack of maturity, moms are often cautious when deciding to go for a walk with the baby. In general, in these first days, they do not leave the house with the little one, unless they have to go to the doctor.

The recommended time to start leaving the home with the baby is a very common question in pediatricians’ offices. Here are some important considerations regarding this topic.

When can you start leaving the house with the baby?

Despite the fact that there are dissenting voices on this issue, babies are usually apt to go out for a walk from the first day they leave the clinic where they were born. This, of course, is valid as long as there is no express recommendation from the professional that indicates otherwise.

It is an extremely beneficial activity, although not necessary, for both. If the mother feels confined or overwhelmed and needs to take fresh air, a short walk is the best alternative. Meanwhile, it will also be positive for the baby to take fresh air and have some contact with the outside world. When you return, you will notice that it will be more calm and peaceful.

The second month of the baby's life.

Choosing the right environment for the baby

The best way to start leaving the house with your baby is to opt for open environments with little noise. Otherwise, the little one could be disturbed, especially by noise or if there are many people talking around him. Therefore, do not take them shopping.

Cigarette smoke should also be avoided at all costs. Also, you must be very cautious with the weather conditions. In this sense, cold or windy days and, logically, also rainy days should be avoided.

Duration of the hike

Beyond the recommendation to take him out of the house for a walk, it is not healthy for the baby to spend all day from here to there. It is preferable to take short walks and at times when the sun is not so strong.  Remember also that mom can get tired quickly. The inactivity of so many months, added to the weight of the car and the bag, can make a walk that is too long an unenjoyable activity.

Bring the elements that are needed

That you take him out for a walk does not mean that the baby will suspend his basic needs; By the way, in the first days of life, all he will do is sleep, eat, and dirty diapers. Therefore, remember to put everything you need in your bag : a bottle, a blanket, a towel, warm clothes and diapers cannot be missing. Anyway, you can’t change the baby just anywhere.

If there is a public bathroom nearby or you can access a store toilet, do so. If it is not a viable alternative, it is best to return home as soon as possible.

Precautions to start leaving home with the baby

In the first six months, the baby should not be exposed to sunlight. If you decide to start leaving the house with your baby, be sure to do so during moderate hours of sunlight, as well as taking the precaution of placing the top of the car and covering it with a blanket if it is in direct sunlight.

On the other hand, be careful with insect bites as well. As it is not possible to apply repellent on your skin, it is best to keep it covered throughout the journey. Be careful not to overcoat him: Babies generally need one more garment than adults wear so they don’t feel cold.

Finally, you should not forget that not only the outside world represents a possible threat to the health of the baby. You should avoid having contact with sick people and, also, make sure that both you and other family members or friends who come near him have clean hands before touching him.

Although the idea is not to become obsessive about hygiene, every mother should be aware of the delicacy of the health of the little ones. Once you have the go-ahead to start leaving the home with your baby, you can be more relaxed and calm that your body is ready to deal with germs and bacteria.

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