3 Children’s Games To Practice Outdoors

Running, enjoying the smell of the grass, feeling the breeze on your face: there is nothing more pleasant for children than playing outdoors.
3 children's games to practice outdoors

Children’s games to practice outdoors are one of the best proposals for the little ones in the house to feel all the benefits of contact with nature, build beautiful memories, improve their social skills and exercise in an environment that they love.

It has been shown that children, by maintaining contact with nature, not only activate their imagination and curiosity more, but also relax and put aside the self-absorption that video games and television often provide them. 

If you want to break the routine and spend a different weekend, or even if you are preparing a very special birthday for your little one, the three children’s games to practice outdoors that we bring you below will seem fabulous.

3 children’s games to practice outdoors

Playing outdoors stimulates many skills in children, which will positively affect their social, emotional and cognitive development. The possibility of running without space limitations, developing confidence in their body and mobility, interacting with other children and learning about leadership and solidarity are some of the advantages of taking children out of closed spaces and allowing them to be in contact with the nature.

Whether in a park, a garden, a forest or even on the beach, any game that the child plays there will awaken all his attention and imagination; In addition, they will do it with twice the enthusiasm and excitement than in a closed space. You will see how even the most apathetic children will not resist the temptation to have fun for a long time. 

1. Crab race

This game is aimed at children from the age of six and must be played in pairs. To start it, the little ones should be located at a starting point next to each other.

Recreational games for children can provide hours of fun with friends.

The first to start will have to tie the braids of their shoes in a particular way: the braid of the left shoe with the braid of the right shoe; failing that, they can also use a soft ribbon or a handkerchief.

Parents can join the game as referees.  When giving the start signal, the little ones should start walking until they reach the finish line. The fun lies in working as a team and preventing your partner from falling so they can reach the goal first.

2. Clay pigeon shooting

It is one of the simplest games to play outdoors; only a few implements are needed. The activity consists of putting three plastic plates on the grass, with an analogous distance between them. On the plates, write with a marker the score that each one will have (20, 40 or 60 points).

Then, you should ask the little ones to explore the grass in search of very small stones, which will be used to be thrown and make the annotations. You can also use small coins.

This game not only helps the little ones in controlling their body and their movements, but it also helps them to practice a little math to add their scores.

3. The poisoned ball

If you have planned a trip to the park for your little one and his friends in advance, you can’t stop taking a ball with you. There are multiple games with balls and all children love them.

The poisoned ball is one of the most fun for children. It consists of forming a circle with the participants and, in the center, placing a little one with the ball in his hands.

Outdoor games for children have balls as central players.

This participant starts the game by saying a word, such as “Christmas” and passes the ball to his teammates. In turn, they should start saying phrases alluding to the first term (Santa Claus, gifts, etc.) while circulating the ball.

The children must be attentive to two actions: if the partner says the word “poison”, they must pass the ball but without uttering a word; in turn, they must be careful not to repeat any phrase about Christmas that a colleague has already said. If they fall into the repetition, they lose and must get out of the circle. The child who can go the furthest wins.

You will have already seen how simple it can be to play outdoor games for your children. Go ahead and plan a few hours of play for your little one on your next weekend; It can be in the garden or in the park closest to your home.

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