Taking Paracetamol In Pregnancy: Side Effects

Taking acetaminophen in pregnancy is safe and generally does not cause complications. However, there are certain associated risks and side effects that every pregnant woman should be aware of.
Taking paracetamol in pregnancy: side effects

Although it is one of the safest drugs during pregnancy, its administration is not without risks. Consumption must be controlled and always under medical prescription. Next, we present different aspects about the advantages and dangers of taking paracetamol in pregnancy.

Paracetamol: what is it about

This drug is an antipyretic analgesic, that is, it calms pain and removes fever, respectively. It has no anti-inflammatory effect and is commonly used to relieve headaches, backaches, and colds.

It is estimated that 60% of pregnant women use it; however, it is a medicine that crosses the placenta. That is, it reaches the fetus, which causes risks and unwanted side effects for pregnancy.

What are the effects of taking paracetamol in pregnancy?

If not taken for a long time, paracetamol is a safe medicine, provided it is indicated by a doctor. On many occasions it is prescribed to soothe any ailment in pregnant women, such as headaches, back pain and colds.

Taking paracetamol in pregnancy can carry certain risks and side effects.

Due to the side effects that this pain reliever can have on the fetus, it is important not to self-medicate. And even more so knowing that it is a drug that is usually found in homes. Some of these side effects are:

Asthma and allergy

When given during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the use of acetaminophen can cause asthma in the baby. According to studies, the risk of asthma is 25% higher in babies whose mothers have taken this drug.

The use of this medicine is also associated with the probability that the baby will suffer from allergies and other respiratory problems.

Neuronal development problems

Administering paracetamol for a long time in the third trimester of pregnancy can cause cognitive and motor problems in the fetus.

A study reveals that those mothers who used paracetamol for more than 28 days in a row would have had children with lower cognitive development. In addition, with behavior problems and worse motor development.

Reproductive problems

Taking paracetamol in pregnancy for more than 28 days can also cause reproductive disorders in male babies.

By reducing testosterone levels, you can carry risks of infertility and cryptorchidism (no descent of the testicles). In this case, the testicles do not descend into the scrotal bag, remaining in the inguinal canal or in the abdomen.


Another risk associated with taking paracetamol during pregnancy is the relationship that exists with ADHD. According to research from the University of California, there is a link between this drug and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Children whose mothers took acetaminophen during pregnancy are 13% to 37% more likely to have ADHD.

Women with high blood pressure: possible risk of preterm birth

Those women who take this drug and suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure) risk preterm labor.

It should be clarified that paracetamol does not normally generate a risk of miscarriage or early labor. Only, as we have seen, in women with a history of high blood pressure.

Recommended dosage

Both the time of administration and the dose are key to ensure that this drug does not constitute a danger. As we have seen, paracetamol during pregnancy is safe, despite the associated risks, as long as it is done with due control and under medical prescription.

It is advisable not to exceed four grams a day and that the intakes are spaced every 6-8 hours. In addition, that they are taken in isolated cases, when there is a real need for it.

A pregnant woman should only take the medications that her doctor recommends.

So what to do in the face of a discomfort in pregnancy?

We have already seen the side effects linked to taking paracetamol in the pregnancy stages. But then  what alternatives are there to this medication?

It must be borne in mind that, prescribed by a doctor and administered for a short time, it does not pose great risks to the fetus. However, it is important to comply with the professional’s instructions and not take paracetamol in pregnancy for a long time. In fact, the ideal is to avoid taking all kinds of drugs during the pregnancy months.

The most recommended thing is to find out about alternative and natural methods to calm discomfort. There are many options: natural remedies, home painkillers, actions to carry out such as massages, moderate exercises, etc. As long as you can solve your ailment in a less aggressive way, you will be contributing to the health of your baby.

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