Memory Games For Children

Memory games for kids

Did you know that memory games for children help them develop this skill, as well as being fun? Find out how you can help them through these tools.

Since the little ones come into the world, memory is a skill that accompanies them. Little by little, they will develop this skill, until it becomes a valuable tool for thousands of daily activities. In addition to this, Daddy and Mommy can help maximize this ability, through fun games and routines .

Many scientific studies affirm that human beings can remember certain moments of childhood since we were three years old , at which point we began to speak with greater agility. And it is precisely from that moment children begin to develop the ability to observe.

Memory games for children will help you discover all their mental abilities

In this sense, if we  stimulate it   in an effective way, this mental agility will be transformed into an incredible tool that will be perfected over the years . Of course, it must be borne in mind that remembering is directly associated with the child’s intelligence, therefore, as parents, we have the mission of encouraging them to improve in this regard.

The evolution of memory in children

exercising memory

Accurately memorizing some information requires a prior evolutionary process in the human being . Therefore, we want to show you how this ability is improving in the little ones in the house, so that you can apply certain strategies to accompany them in this task:

At birth :

The memory  implicit is already present. It is about storing information in a non-conscious way, which will help you form mental models that will determine your future. For example, the interaction that mom and dad have.

After nine months :

Young children are capable of imitating adult gestures (imitation memory) and can anticipate next actions through past experiences.

From eight months :

They develop the ability to solve problems, using the media that surrounds them. This is known as working memory.

Between eight and ten months :

Do you know why your baby loves to play hide and seek? Because of the sensation that gives them a phenomenon called the permanence of objects . Even if you cover your face with a blanket and ask him where you went, he will know that you will suddenly appear again.

In the first year of life :

They obtain recognition memory, which is based on the ability to identify things or people they have seen before. In this stage, semantic memory also evolves, which refers to the learning of facts and acquired knowledge, such as new words or body movements.

At a year and a half :

They remember specific events in a space-time order.

At two years :

They no longer just recognize the environment, they can accurately mention it.

6 games to stimulate the child’s memory

memory games

Through pleasant and pleasant events, they have the possibility of enhancing their memory. For this reason, we bring you six  special games for children :

Memorize songs :

Since you were little, you sure sing funny songs. Take advantage of the melody and create stanzas with the information you want them to memorize and repeat them over and over again.

Repeat words or actions :

Repetition is an infallible technique in these cases. When they repeat the same thing several times, they learn it easily. On any occasion, don’t miss the opportunity to explain again how cutlery is used at the table or another topic important to you.

Toys with sounds :

Some toys come with music or sounds associated with an appearance. Ask them to press a certain part of the doll’s body (head, feet, hands, etc.) and encourage them to reproduce the noise according to what you tell them.

Hide objects :

Store various items in front of them in different hiding places and ask them to deliver them to you, as you ask.

The tongue twisters :

With these word games, which are not so simple, you will be posing a challenge that will allow them to develop both memory and verbal ability.

Couples games :

With these classic toys, you will encourage them to stay focused and encourage their spirit of competition.

Your little one has enormous potential that you must help him discover. Do fun activities that stimulate their memory and you will be surprised with the results.

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