Are You The Mother Of Several Children? These Tips Will Help You Regain Your Calm

Are you the mother of several children?  These tips will help you regain your calm

A woman with several children can often lose her cool. Sometimes children’s ages are difficult to manage, especially when differences limit coexistence. Although some say that the more children the stress is less, it will be necessary to ask what the affected people think.

It is known that even with a couple of children parenting can be difficult. Sometimes their behavior confuses things, but usually it is a matter of routine. Housework, work, school, and the daily hustle and bustle can be more difficult to handle when we have more children.

We can safely say that no mother is going to die from being unable to parent. Somehow the woman is able to solve most of the complications. When the day comes to see them adults and responsible, we will know that we did it well. We did not die trying, we were able to raise several children with no consequences to regret.

I have several children, I need to keep calm

No matter how hard the task is, Mom needs to stay calm at all times. However, as we know, sometimes there are times when even a single child can make us lose our sanity. Maintaining serenity is decisive in many cases, since impulses and lack of control can be dangerous when we have children.

Tips to keep calm

Prioritize certain things

Children can occupy most of our time, but there will always be personal things that are important. Let’s not be afraid to choose something that belongs to us to fulfill it as a priority.

It is very useful to renew ourselves to be able to do something that comforts us, that we can do on a daily basis. Going to the gym, a walk, some music or soaking in the tub, should be a priority for us at some point of the day.

The idea is that this time for us is not negotiable. For it to be a worthwhile activity in our life, it must be above any other. This moment is sure to mend the rest of the day.

Recognize that you are not the wonder woman

When we realize that we don’t have the time and the capacity for everything, life becomes simpler. They say that the problem is believing that we have time. We could avoid a lot of stress by assuming we can’t fix everything.

We focus on everything being perfect, but we are human, not heroine. It is convenient to stop adding tasks to those we already have, it stresses us more. Let us remember that it not only affects us, but also our children and the time we dedicate to them.

Set limits and make them respected

It is common for mothers to overload ourselves because even with our limitations, we take on other challenges. Such challenges are often imposed. In other words, the little one comes with a certain requirement and instead of saying that it can’t be done, we accept it.

In this case, it is best to maintain our position, it is not no. Try to make clear the limits: “this is not touched”, “until this time”, “I am resting”. In addition to setting limits, it is important to maintain, enforce, and respect them.

In this regard, we recommend not giving in to tantrums about already established points. Let us remember that what we correct in childhood will shape them as adults.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Letting ourselves help is sometimes difficult, we do not want others to interfere with our methodology. However, help never hurts, especially when we have several children. When you are going to give yourself personal time, help is essential.

Remember that your partner has the same responsibility as you. Sometimes we also have other family members who are willing to give us a hand. Recognizing that we need help is the first step to improve some aspects that make us lose our cool.

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